At the University of Tetova was promoted the book “Rafi Halili – indomitable fighter in defense of the homeland” by the author Salajdin Fejzullahi. Through this book is narrated the life of the main protagonist Rafi Halili and his family, where the author shows their heroic endurance seen from the perspective of a family member like the author Salajdin Fejzullahi himself. Present at this event were his fellow travelers of the ideal from our lands and from Kosovo, personalities from the political sphere, political prisoners, writers, publicists, family members and students.

President of the Senate of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti emphasized that the organization of this book launch at the University of Tetova, beyond a promotional activity, is also a commemoration to the most prominent personalities of the level of Rafi Halili and other symbols of national resistance and superhuman sacrifices under communist persecution, of visionaries and citizens nobles who put all his life and activity at the service of great ideals for freedom and advancement of processes. “About the book “Rafi Halili – indomitable fighter in defense of the homeland” by the author Salajdin Fejzullahi, the reviewers and the author himself will tell us more about it, but let me single out that he personifies the intellectual and the symbol of the resistance of the Albanians in the former Yugoslavia, against the discriminatory and genocidal policy of the former system towards the Albanian nation. He was a rare and exceptional personality, with high moral and human virtues. Its role and importance have been perpetuated in the most recent history of the Albanian people. His monumental work and authority are based on love for the country and national unity, willingness to sacrifice and titanic efforts for freedom. For all these and many other values, Rafi Halili has permanent respect from all our compatriots wherever they live, ranking him among the outstanding personalities of the nation, whose traces will remain in history. His personality, sacrifice and deeds deserve the highest respect. We, as a University, have tried to fulfill our duty as little as possible, by studying his patriotic activity, his stoic resistance in the face of hegemonic Slavic politics and his extraordinary role for the freedom and democracy that we all enjoy today. Today we bow with respect to the work of Rafi Halili and to the suffering of Albanian prisoners, to all of them we express our eternal gratitude and deep thanks for the titanic determination and mission in the service of the advancement of our national cause”, said the President of Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

The reviewer of the book, Ekrem Ajruli, said that the biographical book of the honorable Halili family, with the figure of the tribune Rafi Halili, is a work written by family member for a family member. “The author closely testifies for the life of the main protagonist, he knows him in a different way than we do, he does not only write about Rafi Halili – the horror of the barbaric antagonists and the symbol of our national pride, resistance and invincibility, but he writes about his cousin, and about their family. He dives deep into family ties and relationships, the background of the events experienced by this family, the price he pays for ideology, bravery and not deviating from the national line. The words written in the book are indisputable evidence of an animal age, of a system of hyenas, and are cornerstones of our national identity. I hope that this book and biographies like this will one day take their rightful place in archival, publishing and film institutions”, said the reviewer of the book, Ekrem Ajruli.

The author of the book, Salajdin Fejzullahi, thanked everyone who contributed to the publication of this book and stopped at the cover of the book. “The cover of the book is a photograph made by me and Lala as we used to say to Rafi, for the 100th anniversary of Albania’s independence. The cover contains a lot of sparks, these are sparking that Lala Rafi kept alive and will not fade. These will remain until his legacy and the martyrs of the war, who left indelible marks on the national issue. Here in the middle, I will also include the uncle Fazli Veliu, who I had the opportunity to be a collaborator and guide of his steps in the People’s Movement of Kosovo”, said the author of the book Salajdin Fejzullahi.

On behalf of Rafi’s family, spoke his sister, Hyreme Halili – Shabani. She revealed the ordeal of suffering that Rafi Halili and his family experienced, the various vicissitudes, the barbaric tortures by the regime, which will remain indelible in the memory of every family member. For the protagonist of the book, the symbol of endurance and resistance, Rafi Halili, evoked memories his fellows fighters and collaborators, Agim Sulejmani, Bejtulla Ademi and Bedri Llapashtica.