The University of Tetovo, in collaboration with the Balkan Institute for Regional Cooperation (BIRC), organized a panel discussion on September 19, 2023, with the topic: “Confessions from Ukraine.”

In this panel discussion, attended by university leaders, professors, and students, a team of public servants from Ukraine recounted the horrors of the war taking place in their country, horrors caused by the Russian Federation.

During the opening of this panel discussion, the Rector of the University of Tetovo, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, emphasized that credible institutions, such as the University of Tetovo, have condemned Russian aggression in Ukraine and have joined calls against the war, advocating for the restoration of peace in this European state.

“The Russian Federation’s attack on Ukraine is a threat to its people’s security, as well as a threat to democratic values, security in Europe, and peace worldwide. The Albanian people still vividly remember the suffering and sacrifices of war, so we offer full support to the people of Ukraine, democratic institutions that defend their homeland, peace, and freedom as universal values. Recognizing the developments in our region and closely following events in the Western Balkans, we are now witnessing an increase in the influence and interference of the Russian Federation in the Balkan countries through Serbia, the separatist Serbian Republic in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and its obstructive manifestations, such as the failed coup attempt in Montenegro and similar efforts in North Macedonia,” said Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

He welcomed the stance of governments and state authorities of our region who lined up alongside the Western allies in support of Ukraine and its people.

“The vast majority of countries on this peninsula have supported the imposition of economic and political sanctions against Russia, sanctions imposed by the European Union, the United States, and all democratic countries. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it is evident that the Ukrainian Army was prepared for war and to face a formidable power. The Ukrainian people have shown themselves to be patriotic, willing to defend their country’s independence, dignity, and national identity,” declared Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, adding that Ukraine’s struggle against Russian aggression must be supported, but ways to halt this war as soon as possible must also be sought.

Mikola Davidyuk, a political scientist from Ukraine and the author of the book “How Putin’s Propaganda Works,” stated that since the publication of his book in 2016, Russian propaganda has become significantly more aggressive. According to him, during this period, many politicians and journalists have been tools trying to steal and destroy everything Ukraine has built since its independence. Davidyuk added that today Ukraine, in a desperate attempt, is trying to unite the democratic world against Russian aggression because, as he stated, every inch of Ukrainian territory is crucial to Europe’s security. During this panel, Davidyuk also presented several video recordings of the destruction left behind by the Russian military, including homes, schools, institutions, businesses, and infrastructure.

Tetjana Sçerbak, Deputy Governor of the Kiev Region, said that Ukraine is determined to fight until the last inch of its territory is liberated, regardless of the price it may pay. She thanked the audience, consisting of students, faculty members from the University of Tetovo, as well as activists and journalists, for the support that the democratic world is providing to Ukraine’s fight.

Meanwhile, Nenad Çanak, a politician and peace and democracy activist, expressed that a totalitarian and imperial ideology like Russia attacked a country trying to become a member of the European Union (EU) and NATO. He also added that in Serbia, there are two types of politicians: some work for Russia, while others fear Russia. A third group, Çanak added, thinks differently and constitutes a minority.

It was also mentioned in this panel that since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it has been observed that the Ukrainian Army was prepared for war and to face a formidable power. The Ukrainian people have shown themselves to be patriotic, willing to defend their country’s independence, dignity, and national identity.