At the University of Tetova from November 16 to 18, the International Congress of Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts will hold its proceedings. This event includes the organization of several international scientific conferences, which are organized by the faculties of our University, with the aim of disseminating and affirming research results, exchanging experiences and identifying the main issues, challenges and obstacles, from the relevant scientific fields. Also, it is an extraordinary opportunity to promote and strengthen cooperation and further networking that enables the exchange of ideas of researchers from different countries, from different research fields and from different levels of research-scientific career.

The researchers participating in this scientific event were addressed by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, who at the same time officially declared opened the proceedings of this Congress. According to him, the events of this scientific level, either from the organizational side or according to the busy program of activities, where took part 485 scientific researchers from 25 academic units, represents an extraordinary opportunity for the participants to exchange experiences, ideas and collaborations for new trends in scientific professional fields. Of course, I feel honored that, on behalf of the University of Tetova to declared open this Congress, within which will be organized five scientific conferences. “Based on the general content and work program, we can emphasize that this Congress comes in a complete format, organized with a large participation of scientific authorities, so we estimate that this influential activity for the wider opinion represents the most important scientific event for 2022. The professional, correct and intensive cooperation with state institutions, with other universities, the academic community and other interest groups, have transformed the University of Tetova into the epicenter of the attendance of intellectuals and scientists from inside and outside the country. We are convinced that this fruitful cooperation will continue to develop, not only with the aim of raising the level of scientific research from various fields, but also in the practical implementation of the results achieved from research-scientific work”, said the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet  Ameti.

The beginning of the proceeding of this Congress were also honored by the Minister of Education and Science in our country, Jeton Shaqiri, who said that in recent years, higher education has focused on the needs of students and on the development of society. By implementing new harmonized learning methods and practices, we bring a completely new dimension to educational processes and adapt them to contemporary trends. “When we talk about science and research-scientific activity, I must emphasize that for the first time this year we have provided funds for research-scientific projects of public scientific institutions of interest for the state and citizens, as well as funds for the development of laboratory resources in all faculties in a total value of about 4 million euros. I believe that these means will increase in the future, where we will reach the European and world average, because without modern, developed higher education and without science, no country can be considered growing and developing”, emphasized the Minister of Education and Science, Jeton Shaqiri.

The thematic lecture at the opening of the proceedings of this Congress was held by the university professor, Prof. Dr. Clare Gartland from the University of Suffolk, England, on the topic: “Enhanced participation of student ambassadors in higher education”.

At the end of this event, the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, as a sign of gratitude for the participation in the solemn opening of this Congress, to the Minister of Education and Science, Jeton Shaqiri and the English professor, Prof. Dr. Clare Gartland, bestowed a symbolic gift.