At the UT on March 03, 2023, was held the Annual Doctoral Conference. This conference is organized in accordance with the structure of studies, as well as with the Regulation on the conditions, criteria, rules of registration and study in the third cycle of studies at the University of Tetova. The conference is held for the mentors and members of the commissions in the relevant faculties to follow the work and achievements of the scientific research that the candidates have done so far.

The Head of the Doctoral Studies Office at the University of Tetova, MSc. Agron Ilazi said that through doctoral conferences, candidates of functional programs in this cycle mark their achievements and intellectual advancement by gradually opening to the competition of the scientific world. The Head of the Doctoral Studies Office at the University of Tetova, MSc. Agron Ilazi said that through doctoral conferences, candidates of functional programs in this cycle mark their achievements and intellectual advancement by gradually opening to the competition of the scientific world. He further added that, during this conference, the commissions made up of members of the University Council for doctoral studies, mentors, and professors of the relevant scientific fields, evaluated the public presentations, congratulating the candidates for their work so far and at the same time gave them suggestions for their work until the full finalization of the doctoral dissertation.