With the motto “Water is life, water is food”, the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition of the University of Tetova marked the World Food Day. In honor of this day, was also organized a panel discussion, in which the panelists referred: Prof. Dr. Yunus Emre Tuncil, Prof. Dr. Seda Tuncil, Dr. Nazif Jashari and Mr. Sc. Arsim Iseni. In their discussions, they mainly were focused on the role and importance of water in human health.

Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition, Prof. Dr. Xhezair Idrizi said that the marking of the World Food Day at the University of Tetova has turned into a traditional event and that this is the 6th year in a row that it has been celebrated and for each year we have taken care to discuss different topics, which mainly have deal with nutrition problems at the world level based on the motto of the World Food and Agriculture Organization. “We as a faculty together with several other institutions and private companies want to sensitize the public opinion to the problem of drinking water, always based on the motto of the World Food and Agriculture Organization: Water is life, water is food.” If we look at it in terms of the construction of any organism, the vast majority or 95% of the organism is water and right here the main topic is water. Recently, instead of reducing food problems after the global COVID-19 pandemic, then the war Russia-Ukraine, and especially now the latest Palestine-Israel, I believe that they will deepen the food crisis at the world level and we must be as attentive as possible, adding even greater care”, said Dean Prof. Dr. Xhezair Idrizi

The Director of the “Dauti Komerc” Company, Xhemali Dauti, in his speech said that, since the establishment of the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia in 2005, we have tried to have the main focus on the connection of business with science. “Among them is the University of Tetova, with which we have close cooperation in all study programs that are compatible for businesses in various fields, especially with the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition, with which we have a permanent cooperation, which we also connect with companies that deal with food. We are present every year in this activity. This year, the topic of this event is related to water problems and nutrition quality. We have our members who deal with the treatment or packaging and sale of water, who will be directly involved with this topic, but also use the experts, professors, researchers of the faculty in their activity”, emphasized Xhemali Dauti.

In the panel dedicated to the World Food Day, among other things, it was said that this event has been marked since 1981 and aims to sensitize policy makers on the importance of food, its role in the health and well-being of the individual and the development of nations. Each year, the topics that have been determined have been different, with the only reason of fulfilling the millennium objectives for the eradication of hunger and poverty, as well as the reduction of mortality and the improvement of children’s health.