The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, namely the Study Program of Informatics, successfully completed the one-day training for the WordPress platform. This activity was organized under the leadership of professors, Prof. Dr. Florim Idrizi and Prof. Dr. Florinda Imeri. This training was focused on increasing knowledge about the WordPress platform, which is used to create websites. During the training, high school graduates learned the basics of the WordPress platform, including how to install and configure a website, customize its appearance with themes and annexes, create and publish content, and optimize the website for online of research. With these trainings, high school students can not only improve their online presence, but also potentially pursue careers in web development or digital marketing. The training also provided an opportunity for students to develop new skills and explore their interests in technology.

In this activity were present the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti and Vice-Rectors, Prof. Dr. Agon Memeti and Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Neziri.

On this occasion the Rector of the UT addressed the high school graduates who participated in this training. He said that, through this activity, the participants will have the opportunity to see closely the conditions that our University possesses, as well as to get to know the academic staff with the appropriate professional preparation. “It is very important to make life decisions in the right way, because choosing your profession is one of the most important life decisions, which you will see in the future. The right choice would make you feel successful, but it will be also a contribution to society. A Greek philosopher says that choosing the right profession is a great contribution to society, and if we all choose what we are naturally inclined towards, we contribute to society as well as to ourselves. So, I wish you the best of luck today and get what you assumed that you would get here and also see how it works in our University. I am glad that there are graduates from all cities and that the diversity offered by the University has been preserved, because this is precisely one of its greatest assets. Do not forget that our University is the institution that has continuously cultivated this process, it is a university that gives space to the students. All of us who are here, most of us have passed through to these banks and you will be the first ones who will have priority as academic staff when you finish your studies”, said the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) used by many individuals and businesses to create and manage their websites. It is a powerful tool that allows users to create professional looking websites without requiring extensive coding knowledge.

This training, organized by the Study Program of Informatics, will be a very useful experience for high school graduates, especially for those interested in web development or digital marketing.