At the University of Tetova today was shown the documentary film “Women of Freedom” directed by Lum Çitaku. This documentary film serves to prove the chronology of the war, resistance and great sacrifice of the women of Kosovo, that constitutes an essential and inherent part of the Albanian movement for freedom and independence.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, who together with his collaborators and many other friends who were present at the screening of this documentary film, said that this very special project echoes the extraordinary contribution that women have made during the most decisive and important years for national history, such as the great women’s protests of the 90s, a mass protest that culminated in the Women’s March, with the motto “Bread for the women and children of Drenica”, where this documentary focused.

He further emphasized that the call for the sacrifice of freedom did not recognize age or gender, and Albanian women, armed with the force of the argument, confronted the Serbian usurper who was tightening its weapons, which clearly proves that the enemy in front did not differentiate even by age or gender.

While Hasnije Iljazi, president of the Association of Philosophers of Kosovo, said that this documentary and the promotion of this film is a reminder of the entire period we went through as women, for freedom and independence in those difficult times. In this period where we are still in negotiations, it is very good that we remember the history, because it is not only care for us women, but it is also a story for the whole world. She thanked all those present for the interest shown in watching this documentary, which shows the contribution of many Albanian women in different periods.

This documentary, among other things, brings back to the collective memory the great value of freedom and independence, the weight of the sacrifice and the importance of documenting the events up to the present day.