A significant number of high school graduates from the cities of North Macedonia and beyond, today participated in the “Open Day”, which was organized at the University of Tetova. The great interest of the graduates is an indication that our University is a worthy institution for them to continue their studies, as it offers contemporary conditions, starting from the academic offer and the academic facilities. At the same time today was held the “Career Fair”, where well-known companies from our country and beyond presented their products.

In his statement to the media, the Vice-Rector for Education of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Neziri said that today the University of Tetova organizes the “Open Day” with many activities planned by our thirteen faculties. “In front of the high school graduates who are visiting us today from all the cities of North Macedonia, including the Preshevo Valley, the students, the academic staff present the entire academic offer, the way how the teaching process is carried out, the laboratories, the classrooms, in order for high school graduates to better clarify their professional orientation and career development.

We also thank the schools for their cooperation during the presentation in schools, also during today. This year, the University of Tetova offers 92 study programs in the first cycle and 106 programs in the second cycle of studies, for the academic year 2023/2024. It is certainly a very good visit, which you see even today. There is a significant number of high school graduates who have expressed interest in seeing the academic offer and study programs”, said the Vice-Rector for Education of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Neziri.

While the Vice-Rector for Science of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Agon Memeti said that in addition to the “Open Day” which is mainly aimed at high school graduates, the University of Tetova traditionally also organizes the “Career Fair”, which is addressed to graduates and the business community. “These are the two key pillars on which our University operates. Today we have opened the doors to a considerable number of companies, which in total number are somewhere around 35, starting from those companies from the fundamental industries, those of food production, of training, of different languages, but also companies other local ones in large numbers. Also, we use the opportunity to tell the business community that whenever they need human resources, they should turn to the University of Tetova. We have many university agreements with various local companies, which are directed to our University Career Center. A significant number of the graduates I mentioned and all the companies that have a partnership with us offer us continuous support and about 70% of the students who finish their studies at our University are employed in different companies”, emphasized the Vice-Rector for Science of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Agon Memeti.

During this activity, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtim Ahmeti together with the Chairman of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti and the rest of the leadership visited the tents that were located on the premises of the University, while at the end to the representatives of the companies participating in the fair as a sign of respect were bestowed a gratitude’s.