Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology of the University of Tetova, through the lecture: “Save the bees, save the planet”, today marked the World Earth Day. In this activity participated high school graduates from the Pollog region, students, professors and beekeepers. World Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to raise awareness of environmental issues and promote efforts to sustain and protect our planet.

The attendees were initially addressed by the Vice-Dean for Science of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Asst. Prof. Dr. Zejnedije Ademi-Latifi. She said that Earth Day carries an important message about humanity’s responsibility to take care of ecosystems and act to ensure a sustainable future for themselves and future generations. “The official topic for 2024 is: “Planets vs. Plastics – The planet against plastics”. The topic aims to raise awareness of plastic pollution, reduce its single-use consumption and invest in technologies that reduce the use of plastic, all for the sake of human and planetary health, by calling for a 60% reduction in the production of plastic by 2040. Simply put, Earth Day is designed to highlight the serious need to support our environment as it struggles with a number of human-caused challenges. Environmental issues such as global warming, plastic pollution and the depletion of the earth’s resources cause us all an ecological anxiety”, – underlined the Vice-Dean for Science of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Asst. Prof. Dr. Zejnedije Ademi-Latifi.

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Prof. Dr. Bardhyl Limani emphasized that the purpose of this event is to create a stimulating work environment for staff, researchers, students, so that we feel free to share ideas, discuss opportunities, challenges, practices and various questions. “Through this manifestation, and many others that I believe we will implement in the future, we hope to encourage the rise of our Faculty, the self-empowerment of students, the motivation of high school graduates to study at the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, in order to contribute to the development of agriculture – the science of soil cultivation, plant and animal production”, – said, among other things, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Prof. Dr. Bardhyl Limani.

Following this activity, the professor of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nesim Seferi presented the topic: “The importance of the bee in the preservation of the planet”, in which case the conclusions were drawn: Pollinators, especially honey bees, play a key role in the environment, food and the production of seeds and honey; Climate change can have a direct impact on honey bee behaviors and phenology; The threat of our agricultural industry towards a global crisis is in the near future; There is the possibility of evolutionary adaptation in bees against environmental changes; The less use of synthetic chemical pesticides, reduces the risk on the health of the bee brood and their survival; If we know the importance of sustainable life, the effect on humanity, work on strategies and approaches, improve people’s knowledge and skills, then measures can be achieved to cope with the extreme conditions for the survival of the bee and the planet Earth.

At the end of this activity, the participants had the opportunity to follow a practical demonstration in the University park, led by Agricultural engineer, Nusmir Ramadani, a former student of the Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology and a well-known beekeeper of these regions. He clarified the way of cultivating bee societies and their organic treatment.