“The connection between food technology and nutrition is crucial for maintaining a healthy life”, was the topic of the workshop organized by the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition for high school graduates, “Gymnasium Kiril Pejcinovic“, Gymnasium “7 Marsi” high school as well as high school “Gjoce Stojceski”. The purpose of this workshop was to promote the academic offer of this faculty by presenting the practical work in the laboratories to the high school graduates. During this training, the participants were various companies whose work spoke about and shared their experience the students who graduated from this faculty and today are part of these companies. Also present at this workshop was the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli who congratulated the organization of this workshop as well as the participating companies. According to him, this is a good opportunity for high school graduates to see the practical work in the laboratory up close.

While the Dean of the FFTN Prof. Dr. Xhezair Idrizi emphasized the fact that the Faculty, which he leads, has continuously maintained relations with companies and today the vast majority of those companies, technologists have students of the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition and this fact is a plus incentive for high school graduates to enroll their studies in this Faculty.

Otherwise, graduates were also invited to be part of the Open Day, which will be held on April 25, to be informed about the academic offer of all faculties.