With the motto “Let’s recognize autism – from students to students”, the study program of Special Education and Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Pedagogy marked April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day. This day aims to raise awareness of autism spectrum disorders and improve the lives of those affected by them. Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, as well as restricted and repetitive behaviors. Researchers and scientists have found that individuals on the autism spectrum often exhibit special talents in various fields. Therefore, encouraging and supporting them to further develop their skills can have a positive impact, helping to alleviate any negative energy they may experience.

Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi, said that marking this day is done to raise awareness and express solidarity with the autistic community. Autism is a spectrum of brain development disorders that manifests in various forms and affects the lives of thousands of people worldwide. “On this special day, it is important to reflect on the challenges and opportunities experienced by those living with autism and to promote a culture of acceptance and support in our society. Autism is often associated with stigma and a lack of understanding from society. But, this should not be important. Autism is only one aspect of a person’s identity, and each individual deserves to be respected and accepted for who they are. To help in this process, we need more awareness and acceptance in society. We need to build a more welcoming and accepting environment for people with autism, ensuring they have access to the services and opportunities they need to live full and happy lives. Finally, I want to encourage everyone present to engage in promoting a more inclusive society sensitive to the needs of all individuals, regardless of their differences. Join us in this challenge and become a spokesperson for positive changes in our world”, -said the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi.

In this activity, students of the study program of Special Education and Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Ajlin Ajeti and Ajshenur Izeti, provided detailed information about autism. With the assistance of professors from the same faculty, Asst. Prof. Dr. Teuta Ramadani and Asst. Prof. Dr. Jasmina Troshanska, they presented concrete examples illustrating the most effective methods to support people with autism. It was concluded that the key areas to focus on are communication and interaction.