The Department of Albanian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Tetova, on May 5, 2023, organized the one-day training with the high school graduates from the Republic of North Macedonia. The training on the topic “Mastering the Albanian Language – the key to opening new opportunities” had the main purpose of preparing high school graduates for the State Matura exam in the subject of Albanian Language.

The holding of this training was welcomed by the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, who congratulated the organizers, namely the professors of this department. “This training is organized for the first time by the Department of Albanian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Philology, with professors who already know this work very well and you are lucky to learn from them. Wanting you to pass as well as possible in that state exam, they also encourage you to preserve, enrich and use your mother tongue correctly wherever you are and at any time, because language is our basic identity, it is the basis of what it’s called human society”, emphasized the Rector of the University of Tetova. He also added that studying the mother tongue is not only a personal investment in the career, but also means its implementation in practice, the contribution to the development, affirmation and greater appreciation of the Albanian culture in general.

At the opening of today’s training, with occasion speech addressed the dean of the Faculty of Philology, Prof. Dr. Berton Sulejmani, where he informed how came to the conduction of the one-day training in their department, what was the main goal and where should be more focused high school graduates of different schools for a more expected success. Among other things, he emphasized that this one-day training will encourage them not only for a better reading and study of the Albanian language and literature, but also for a secure future in our country, by showing also the possibilities of various employment opportunities offered to those who study this language. With great conviction for this special and necessary training and with the trust of a little help for an easy passing of the State Matura exam, he congratulated the high school graduates on their success, by stressing at the end that not only their faculty, but the entire University of Tetova welcomes new students for new achievements.

Also, this one-day training helped the high school graduates of the country to hear closely which details they should pay attention when completing the State Matura exam and what things to avoid in order not to fail. They heard these suggestions from the high school teacher, Nurije Bajrami, a tester over the years in this state exam, who made these details clearer with concrete tests from previous years.

In the aforementioned training, the high school graduates discussed any uncertainties they had regarding the State Matura exam, but also the benefits in this preparatory phase. At the end, all the graduates were given certificates for participating in the training “Mastering the Albanian Language – The key to opening new opportunities”.