Institute of Ecology and Technology
Institute of Ecology and Technology is a teaching and scientific institution that aims to contribute to the scientific and research plan, also rising of the awareness of the population of Republic of North Macedonia and beyond.
Ecology is challenged globally, such as the global warming and the pollution of planet Earth, with their negative effects on the environment. Thoroughout the Institute of Ecology and Technology we educate and train ecological cadres with high standards of theoretical and practical teaching, who will be able to get involved in problem solving in the field of ecology and environmental protection such as:
- Natural resources protection and management,
- National parks management,
- Providing ecological standards in spatial planning,
- Providing ecological standards in technological process,
- Ecological education training’s of II and III-cycle studies,
- Competencies in joining the education process in the field of ecology, etc.
Institute of Ecology and Technology, cooperates with many sister institutions in our country and abroad and within this Institute there are conducted several activities of relevance such as:
- The scientific component is developed within the Scientific Research Laboratory for the study of biological, oristic and faunal diversity.
- In the framework of the Institute will be organized Studies of the II cycle (Master’s studies) on the Environment and III-Cycle Studies (Doctoral studies) on the Environment.
Institute organize activities such as:
- Seminars;
- scientific forums;
- scientific conferences;
- summer schools;
- scientific – research activities;
- oristic research;
- faunal research;
- natural resource management;
- biotechnological research;
- genetic engineering research, etc.
Institute of Ecology and Technology is a leader of national and international projects, such as:
- IPA-CBC project “Cooperative Transboundary Learning for Ecosystem Management and Sustainable Development in the Sharr Mountain region” managed by University of Prishtina and State University of Tetova.
- UNEP project “Achieving Biodiversity Conservation through Creation and Effective Management of Protected Areas and Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Land Use Planning” Component 1: Increase of Protected Areas Network – subcomponent: “Preparation of Valorization Study for Sharr Mountain region – the Republic of North Macedonia”
- GIZ project “Trans-Boundary Ecosystem Management (TEM)”
Institute of Ecology and Technology on September 15, 2017 has found 4 other research centers, such as:
- Eco – Information Center
- Ecological Education Center
- Eco – fruit Certification Center
- Eco – Touristic Association

Conference program: SCARDUS’2017