Dear friends,

With deep sorrow we received the news of the death of the former United State Secretary of State, friend of our nation, well-known diplomat Mrs. Madeleine Albright.

Her diplomatic commitment and contribution has been essential on the difficult path to Kosovo’s freedom and independence.

Together with the condolences to the Albright family, the administration of the United States of America and their embassy in our country, on behalf of the University of Tetova I express the boundless gratitude and appreciation for Mrs. Madeleine, who during her work as a diplomat was engaged in promoting peace in our region, strengthening state institutions and their orientation towards Euro-Atlantic integration.

May the memory be eternal for the great friend of the Albanian nation, Mrs. Madeleine Albright.


Rest in peace!

Rector of the University of Tetova,
Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili