University of Tetova, on National Martyrs’ Day, paid homages in front of their cemeteries, in front of the lapidary “The Beacon of remembrance”, as well as with a commemorative academy, has marked this date in our history and remembered the work of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for freedom. In this event with a national character, which was held in the “Sevasti and Parashqevi Qiriazi” Amphitheater, in front of students, professors and other guests, central and local government authorities, were commemorated the martyr of Albanian education, Abdylselam Emini, and the students of the University of Tetova, Zejadin Zymberi, Burim Huseini, Bedri Halimi and Xhemil Abdurrahmani, who were martyred in the glorious war of 2001. In this activity, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti said that the organization of the commemorative academies for these patriots who made history, although it represents a modest contribution in front of their work, we appreciate that it remains the only way to perpetuate their names in our national history.

“Martyrs are the names of people who came from the chest of this people, they are the pride of this people who brought freedom among us. When you are in the middle of memory, for a bitter past and under occupation, with today’s free, then, we all have in front of our eyes, today’s protagonists, who are the martyrs themselves. Our national history is described with many events, which are both important and glorious, but at the same time painful and tragic. At the time when the civilized world was going through the process of globalization, opening and rapprochement between peoples, avoiding divisions and conflicts, our nation was even further faced with terrible wars, genocide and ethnic cleansing by foreign invaders”- said the Rector, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

In the following of his speech, he said that, from the glorious period of our national hero, George Kastrioti Scanderbeg, to the recent uprisings and wars for freedom and independence of the Kosovo Liberation Army, the National Liberation Army in Macedonia and the Liberation Army of Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanovac, with dozens of martyrs fell on the altar of freedom and turned into eternal light for our present and future.

At this event, on behalf of the President of the Democratic Union for Integration, Ali Ahmeti spoke, the General Secretary of DUI, Faton Ahmeti. He emphasized that May 5 is the Day of glory, sacrifice and our national pride, a day that is identified with the most deserving, the day of the nation’s martyrs. “There is nothing more expensive than freedom, therefore experiencing it is a long and arduous path, challenging, up to self-denial. For us Albanians, fate over the centuries has collided with the necessity for wars, to protect our homeland, culture and traditions. Throughout history, we are not known as a war-mongering people, but we did not wait for the war for the defense of the homeland, and thanks to the martyrs and their holy blood, today we act and work freely for a bright future. The history of the University of Tetova, the most important temple of knowledge for the Albanians of these lands, could not be different from the history of the Albanian people themselves”, said among other things Faton Ahmeti.

Meanwhile, the President of the Senate of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti underlined that the nation’s martyrs are a symbol of respect and patriotism, they remain incomparable heroes in our history who never stopped serving their people for the freedom that they loved so much and that we all enjoy today.

Today, when in all ethnic areas the nation’s martyrs are commemorated, we at the University of Tetova, in addition to honoring all those who fell on the altar of freedom over the generations, also commemorate the students of the University of Tetova, who left half their dreams for professional achievements and careers and joined the most important cause, that of dedicating freedom. Our university has been the leader of many important national processes and has continuously dedicated itself to the memory and honoring of the nation’s martyrs, who have given their lives for freedom, education in the Albanian language and equal rights”, said the President of UT Senate. In this honoring ceremony, he also published the Decision of the Senate of the University for the declaration of Martyr of the Albanian education – Abdylselam Emini and Heroes of the University, students and martyrs of the nation: Xhemil Abdurrahmanin, Zijadin Zymberi, Burim Huseini and Bedri Halimi.

“Based on Article 94 of the Law on Higher Education (“Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia”, no. 82/18 and “Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia”, no. 178/2021), as well as article 85 of the Statute of the University of Tetova, the Senate of the University of Tetova, in the meeting held on April 13, 2023, brought: DECISION to award the title: Martyr of the University of Tetova Abdylselam Emini. This title is given to the martyr Abdylselam Emini for the promotion of higher education in the Albanian language, the special contribution to the cultivation of national traditions, language and history, as well as the dedication to achieving the national aspirations for freedom and democracy of the Albanian people. Likewise, the Senate of the University of Tetova has brought the same Decision to award the title: Heroes of the University, to the students and martyrs of the nation: Xhemil Abdurrahmani, Zijadin Zymberi, Burim Huseini and Bedri Halimi. This title is given to the students and martyrs of the nation for the sublime sacrifice, the special contribution to the development of education, the cultivation of the national traditions of language and history, as well as the dedication to achieving the national aspirations for freedom and democracy of the Albanian people”- declared in front of dozens of participants in this academy the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti. The aforementioned titles, together with the logo, the flag and the Monograph of this institution, were bestowed by the leadership of the University to the families of the martyrs and heroes of UT.

Keeping this academy at the University of Tetova confirms the commitment and special care to always remember those who made it possible to conduct the ideals of previous generations and generations to come. Their bequest was that each of us should contribute to the progress of our nation.