University of Tetova, today started the works of the Summer School, with the topic: “Youth for Rule of Law”. This educational event is organized by the Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication of the University of Tetova and Northern Illinois University (USA) in cooperation with the American Corner in Tetovo. The primary purpose of the Summer School is to provide a detailed presentation of the rule of law in North Macedonia.

The U.S. Ambassador, Her Excellency, Kate Marie Byrnes, in her greeting speech said that this is a really important activity. She stressed that she has just returned from the U.S., where she attended a conference in Washington with ambassadors from around the world, where were discussed the rule of law and national security, and the topic of this summer school is the rule of law. “A week ago here in Macedonia I was at a press conference for dialogue and I was part of the panel where I spoke about the importance of the rule of law and the achievement of these goals that we have in front of us. Two weeks ago I was in Washington for the first strategic dialogue between the U.S. and North Macedonia, where we touched on serious issues and how to address them as part of the global agenda. And during these conversations there was a spirit of optimism about what we can achieve, to be honest, just because of people like you, as faces of change, people who have ideals, aspirations and passion to share these tasks we have set for ourselves. The question number one that I have been asking myself since I was in Macedonia is, are you optimistic. In everyday life we are the state administration and the citizens, the defenders of democracy and the rule of law, and it is up to us that policymakers, governments, business leaders, community leaders will respect these principles of the rule of law. This summer school aims to provide you the tools to put these ideas into practice and get them moving. We all depend on you for the change we want to see, not only here in Macedonia, but also in the region and in the world. Thank you for your presence and support “, said the U.S. Ambassador, Her Excellency, Kate Marie Byrnes.

The Deputy Ambassador of the European Union, Julian Vassallo said that this event is a great initiative and the organizers have done a great job that they have gathered us here. “I am here on behalf of the EU, since it was formed it was understood as an economic project. It is not an economic project, it was later treated as a political project, but it was not. But you might think it’s a legal project. This project is based on and can work when the rule of law is fully respected. We have 26 countries that are still sovereign, but which have formed a common market, with the free movement of people, goods, capital and open borders, close cooperation in many aspects, but what brings us together is the application of the same rules, whether in Finland, Cyprus, Lisbon, or Latvia. This conference is important, because it will mean the rule of law and the meeting as future lawyers. In this country, as you know, the rule of law is observed by the EU in terms of access to the EU. I know that there is great skepticism in this country, I know that there is low credibility in some institutions that must guarantee the rule of law. Let me say that your judiciary and politicians deserve a little more trust and thanks that the public is willing to give you, for the time we are here there is progress, but there is still to be done, no doubt, since in everyday life you encounter corruption and phenomena that should not have been. There is progress, this has been acknowledged by the EU countries as well. A very important element of the rule of law is the idea that politicians call judges, judges call politicians, and the same thing happen to prosecutors and politicians. I saw the distancing, little distancing from this phenomenon, coming from the rulers from above, where this phenomenon has begun to diminish and it is encouraging that you give us hope, and that this hope will be the main point of the days you will spend together in this wonderful place “, said the Deputy Ambassador of the European Union, Julian Vassallo.

Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti welcomed the participants in this important activity for the development of free debate, expression of professional views and the contribution of young people in relation to the rule or implementation of the law in our country. The very initiative for the organization of this Summer School with the above-mentioned topic, confirms the commitment of our institutions, to approach this issue with seriousness, professionalism and our common commitment. Everywhere in the world, especially in countries with consolidated democracies, young people, respectively students, represent the forefront of change, well-being and hope for a better future. Today, we live in a world where communication takes place with a high intensity, while transparency has become the essential goal for promoting the best practices of accountability for the activity of public institutions, with special emphasis on institutions of justice. In the assessment of the international authorities, justice in the Western Balkan countries unfortunately leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the debates of this level co-organized by the Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication of the University of Tetova- Northern Illinois University (USA) and the American Corner in Tetovo are very useful and contribute to the process of institutional reforms. The above-mentioned organizers offer young people an experience that will serve them during their professional careers, they will have the opportunity to get acquainted with one of the most important pillars of the separation of powers, namely the judiciary and the challenges of the rule of law. The busy summer school program is also a good opportunity for all participants to get acquainted with the main notions of rule of law, human rights instruments and jurisprudence, especially since this corpus of lectures will be presented from university professors, representatives of the government and various local institutions, representatives of civil society, representatives of the EU Delegation to North Macedonia and the U.S. Embassy in Skopje .The more we work today for the rule of law, the strengthening of democratic standards, the closer will be the future of the Western Balkan states in the European family. Thank you for your attention and I wish success to all participants in this important event for all of us”,- said the Rector of the  UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

Director of the Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication of the University of Tetova- Northern Illinois University (USA), MSc. Donika Kamberi said that the Summer School YOUTH FOR RULE OF LAW, was born as a result of an old and healthy cooperation with American Corner Tetova, the project started with the initiative of Centre for Peace and Transcultural Communication and we immediately found support from American Corner Tetova. “Center for Peace organized for the first time a summer school Youth for Rule of Law, acknowledging that young people play a crucial role in this direction, admitting the fact of brain drain phenomenon, corruption, and distrust in judiciary system and unemployment and considering the aforementioned reasons. Having chosen a framework for the summer school program was a quite challenging job in order to match adequately the profiles of the lecturers with their expertise on the topic.

The objective we have taken upon ourselves in framing this program is thus to advance our understanding about the rule of law and human rights by exploring them in the fullest possible way. We have tried to organize this event in a way that participants are tempted to ask what the institutions, the elections, the judiciary, the government, the courts, the law, the amendments, the norms have to do with me and us and why the rule of law is of a great importance in order for these institutions to function properly and everyone to be equal in front of law. I am quite certain that even in the most stable societies the rule of law remains an unfinished project and North Macedonia is a typical example that rule of law and justice is not a matter of calculation but a matter of principle”,- said the Director of the Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication of the University of Tetova- Northern Illinois University (USA), MSc. Donika Kamberi.

The summer school program will be busy, where pupils and students from June 27 to July 1, 2022, will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the main notions of rule of law, human rights instruments and jurisprudence, the moreover, this corpus of lectures will be presented by university professors, representatives of the government and various local institutions, representatives of civil society, representatives of the EU Delegation to North Macedonia and the U.S. Embassy in Skopje.