At the University of Tetova, on December 12, 2023, a meeting was held for the constitution of the Union Assembly of the employees of this institution. In this meeting, with a majority of votes as the Head of the Trade Union was elected the Prof. Dr. Shefket Dehari, while as a vice-president was elected Ali Salihi.

At the meeting of the founding Assembly of the Union of employees of the University of Tetova, were present 28 members proposed by the academic units, and after detailed discussions, with a majority of votes, the decision was taken to constitute the Assembly and approve the Statute of the Union of employees of the University of Tetova.

Prof. Dr. Shefket Dehari is a lecturer at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Tetova and, and in addition to the educational process, it has also achieved success in research and scientific activity, such as in the publication of studies in well-known international journals, but also in conferences, symposiums and other scientific gatherings in the field of natural sciences.