The fourth-year students of the study program Figurative Art, Armina Samahodaj and Ensar Feta, appreciated with gratitude as outstanding students of the generation of 2023/24 according to the average grade, together with their professors Professor, Nora Halimi and Professor,Nehat Beqiri participated in the now traditional exhibition called Professors + Students which opened on June 14, 2024 in the Gallery of the Youth Cultural Center in Skopje.

This exhibition is attended by university professors and students from the most relevant state and private institutions in the field of figurative and applied arts in the Republic of North Macedonia, such as: the Faculty of Visual Arts of the University “St. Cyril and Methodius”, the Faculty of Arts of the University of Tetovа, the Figurative Academy of the “Goce Delchev” University of Shtip, the Faculty of Arts and Design of the International Balkan University, the Faculty of Design and Multimedia of the AUE-FON University, the Faculty of Art and Design of the European University as well as “Skala”, school for design and art.

In the preface to the catalog of this exhibition, Professor Kiril Penushliski emphasizes that the number of participating institutions, as well as the various academic programs they offer, speaks about the changes and development of cultural and figurative awareness in our country over the last century.

In this exhibition were presented works from the fields of painting, graphics, sculpture, graphic design, illustration and industrial design.

Vice-Dean for Science, Professor, Nora Halimi, also a participant in this exhibition, appreciated the importance of such events as a good opportunity to exchange experiences, educational programs, figurative techniques, and artistic practices, which reflect the real artistic product of the artistic scene in our country.

The exhibition will remain open until June 23, 2024.