University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova, on March 6, 2023, has marked the 10th anniversary of its educational-scientific activity. In this activity participated well-known personalities from public life, university rectors, scientific researchers, education activists from Kosovo and beyond.

The University of Tetova in this event was represented by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti. In this ceremony, he congratulated the leaders of this institution on the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the University, which proudly bears the name of Professor Fehmi Agani, one of the prominent intellectuals of Kosovo.

In his speech in front of the audience, the Rector Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti has emphasized that all the educational and cultural institutions of Kosovo bear the intellectual and professional stamp of Professor Fehmi Agani, who was the co-founder of the basic educational institutions of Kosovo such as the Albanological Institute, the University of Pristina with the relevant faculties, as well as the founder of Department of Philosophy-Sociology.

“As a man closely related to the ideal of a free and independent Kosovo, and one of the pioneers of the movement for the rights of Albanians in Kosovo, he has been the initiator and supporter of political movements for the liberation of Kosovo, since the debates about the republic, the Constitution of 1974 until the foundation of the Democratic League of Kosovo. A great supporter of political pluralism, who took the political movement out of the ambiguities of illegality and made it a pro-Western movement, which culminated in the Independence of Kosovo. However, a popular proverb says: “The enemy does not sleep”, so Fehmi Agani was politically assassinated, but his name and contribution were immortalized in our memory, leaving behind us a great legacy in the field of higher education and politics”, said the Rector of the UT.

Referring to the foundation of the University of Tetova, in 1994, he highlighted that the UT was founded as a result of joint efforts, the strong determination of Albanian intellectuals from Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania, to lay the foundations of higher education in the Albanian language in the Republic of Macedonia, in those regions with educational and patriotic traditions, where, like nowhere else in the world, education in the mother tongue, especially university education, was prohibited for decades.

“Looking back at history, seeing the long journey, the starting points and where we have arrived, I feel proud of the fact that today, even after overcoming existential challenges, we continue to cooperate strongly with each other, a fact which is also evidenced by the cooperation between our two universities, cooperation with a long tradition, concretized with the signing of a cooperation agreement since the first years of the foundation of University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakovë, which constitutes an important partnership in the field of higher education between two Albanian universities, but also in the region. Aiming to improve student and academic staff exchanges in the development of collaborative projects in the fields of scientific research, we work to be a good example of fraternal and regional cooperation, to raise Albanian education to the highest levels”, said the Rector of UT Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

In this anniversary of the University “Femi Agani”, to the former Supreme Commander of NATO, Wesley K. Clark, was awarded the title “Doctor Honoris Causa”.

The University of Tetova and the University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova have signed a cooperation agreement long time ago, within which they have carried out several joint projects in the field of scientific research, but also in other activities of mutual interest.