At the University of Tetova, the Student Parliament, on October 30, 2023, organized a panel discussion dedicated to “Pink October”, that is known throughout the world as the month of awareness for the early detection of breast cancer. This disease is a global health challenge and the discussion about this invisible enemy is very important for awareness, sensitization and early diagnosis. In this activity, it was discussed about the examination and the self-examination of breast cancer, its prevention and the passing of psychological difficulties during this disease.

In this activity were present the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Elezi, professors and students. Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli said that in addition to the teaching, scientific process, research, publishing activity, practical, clinical teaching, reaching agreements with many institutions such as within the state, also with international institutions, the University of Tetova simultaneously deals with topics such as the fight against cancer and according to him , this remains a very valuable contribution of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and in particular the Student Parliament, to make a special contribution both in the field of prevention, healing and overall battles that take place with this disease. “I believe that all these reached conclusions, the presentations that will be presented by the panelists, experts from important key fields, I think will be a very valuable, very special contribution, to give in a real and symbolic way, and to sensitize the whole opinion, our society, regarding the prevention or the battle that is taking place and we believe that in the future the University of Tetova, starting from the Rector, the Senate, the Vice-Rectors, all institutions, other bodies will continue to support the Student Parliament in order that you dear students, to be active by contributing in addition to the learning process to the current developments, which are key topics for the country and the region,” said the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

At this event, the panelists presented their presentations related to the relevant topic. Initially, Gynecologist, Dr. Luljeta Mulaki elaborated on breast health and self-examination; Risk factors; scans and mammography and advice on preventing the development of breast cancer. Radiologost Dr. Arijeta Murtezani emphasized the interpretation of mammograms; diagnostic imaging procedure; patient education in the radiological process and advances in breast imaging technology.

Then, oncologist Dr. Vjollca Skenderi – Neziri spoke about the stages and types of breast cancer; treatment options; survival and long-term care and the promotion of new clinical trials in breast cancer treatment progress. In the end, psychologist Hasie Veseli presented the strategies to face this disease, such as: the emotional impact of breast cancer; coping strategies; family support and counseling; mind-body techniques and stress reduction.