Students of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, of the Architecture study program, participated in the International competition with architecture students “Creative Cycle”, organized by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) of the Polytechnic University of Tirana (UPT).

The winners were announced on October 13, 2023, where our students, Fortuna Ismaili, Venera Ziba and Fjolla Halili with the project “Ecolamp” – Lamp from recyclable materials, won the first place. This paper presents outdoor lighting utilizing the potential of recycled materials. Meanwhile, the lamp brings a new approach to reducing waste while adding beauty to outdoor spaces. PVC pipes have been transformed into functional pieces of art, giving new life to these previously discarded resources.

While students Albin Haliti and Hamza Sejfullahi, with the project “Botlamp” – Lamp from recyclable materials, received the second place. This innovative work uses recyclable materials and recycled car parts to create a skeletal robot, which changes its function to serve as an extraordinary lamp. This project combines the art of design and caring for the environment.

The use of recycled materials and recycled car parts contributes to reducing the impact of pollution and raising awareness for the preservation of our planet.

Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Enis Jakupi congratulated the students for the awards and thanked them for representing with dignity the Faculty of Applied Sciences – the study program of Architecture. This achievement was also welcomed by the dean of FAU – UP, Tirana, Armando Vokshi, who congratulated the Dean and the Faculty of Applied Sciences of UT for the talented students what they have produced, since winning first and second place is a great success.