We inform the public opinion that the State Inspectorate of Education, on December 15, 2022, carried out inspection supervision at the University of Tetova, specifically at the Faculty of Law. The subject of the inspection supervision was the issue of how many diplomas/certificates for the given exams were issued in the period from 2008 to 2012, with the number of ECTS credits achieved (180/240) and in addition to this eventual data, if there are or not education level VII/1 in accordance with the Law on higher education (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, no. 82/18). After the completion of the inspection supervision, through the relevant Minutes, the Inspectorate of Education has found that the Institution of Higher Education, University of Tetova in Tetovo organizes the educational activity in harmony with the Law on Higher Education. The documents of the University of Tetova, such as diplomas, grade certificates and other documents are accepted internationally, so many students graduated from our University have been employed in prestigious institutions of European countries. The provision of services to students and teaching staff, respecting the relevant law, labor regulations and other legal acts, has received positive marks from the country’s institutions. That our University and administration employees work with professionalism, responsibility and efficiency, this has been proven even after several inspections by the competent governing bodies that have been carried out in this institution of higher education. This proves that the administration of the University of Tetova, thanks to the investment in the digitalization of the service infrastructure, is already considered as the sector that operates with full efficiency and according to modern standards.