The Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in the Republic of North Macedonia, His Excellency Andrea Silvestri, was on a working visit to the University of Tetova. Initially, he was received in a meeting by the Rector of our University, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti and his associates.

In this meeting, was discussed about the possible future cooperation between the two institutions, where special importance was given to the Department of the Italian Language at our University. Ambassador Andrea Silvestri said that the Italian Embassy will be ready to cooperate with the University of Tetova in order to encourage young people to study the Italian language. While the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti said that our University is also ready to create new friendship bridges with universities from the Republic of Italy, in order to cooperate in various international projects in the future that would benefit our universities and students in general.

After the meeting with the leaders of the University, the Italian Ambassador, Andrea Silvestri, gave a professional lecture to the students and professors of the Faculty of Law. On this occasion, Rector Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti in his welcoming speech said that it is a pleasure for everyone that the ambassador of Italy, Andrea Silvestri will share his views about the European Union, as a legal and political creation. “As Rector of the University of Tetova, I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to membership in the European Union. Our university has been a great friend and supporter of our nation on the road to Euro-Atlantic integration, and we are committed to playing our role in advancing European aspirations. The unwavering orientation of the University of Tetova towards the Euro-Atlantic integration of the country and the region is proof of its dedication to students, community and our country”, emphasized the Rector Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

While in his lecture, on the topic “The European Union: An original juridical-political creation”, Ambassador Silvestri spoke extensively about the evolution of the creation of the European Union since its foundation until today.

During this lecture, he was focused on the process of operation and decision-making in the EU. He was focused also on the contribution and role of Italy in the European Union. At the end of his lecture, the Italian ambassador Silvestri expressed optimism that in the future North Macedonia will also be a full member of the EU.

Ambassador Andrea Silvestri concluded his stay at our University with a visit to the Faculty of Arts where was inaugurated the artwork of the Italian artist Roberto Geci, a gift from the Italian Embassy, he also visited the food control laboratory at the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition.