At the University of Tetova, on May 15, 2023, was held the IV Symposium, “Trace in Time” – Portrait of the writer Ibrahim Kadriu. This symposium, this year, was organized by the Association for Culture and Science “Ars Albanica”, together with the Faculty of Philology of the University of Tetova.

The President of the Association for Culture and Science “Ars Albanica”, in the opening of the proceedings of this event, stated that at the core of this literary activity is the affirmation of common nationwide values. “The Association Ars Albanica has the honor to present to you the literary portrait of the great Albanian writer, Ibrahim Kadriu, a very important name for Albanian national literature. The literary activity of the writer Ibrahim Kadriu is quite extensive, so everything about his works cannot be included only in this symposium, however we try to stimulate our memory towards reading, knowing and appreciating the dedicated work of our writer, Ibrahim Kadriu. Commemorating the literary activity of Ibrahim Kadri means recognizing an extremely wide opus of Albanian literature, which was created in the Albanian territories outside of Londinese Albania”, said Prof. Dr. Zeqirja Rexhepi.

At the opening of this symposium, To the participants with greeting speech addressed the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti. He said that this event shows a very important segment that the University of Tetova is the center of not only scientific, but also cultural and artistic developments in our country. “International communications, that are important for literature and science as a whole, will always be our priority and we as a university will always support activities of this type, assuring you that the doors of our University will be always open to the development of science, art, culture, language, literature and many other activities”, emphasized the Rector, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

In this symposium, about the life and the sensational activity of the writer Ibrahim Kadriu spoke the Dean of the Faculty of Philology of our University, Prof. Dr. Berton Sulejmani, as well as many other personalities, including university lecturers, publicists, literature researchers, while our students presented their works dedicated to the activity of the writer Ibrahim Kadriu.

At the end of the proceedings of this symposium, were awarded certificates to the participants, while to the writer Ibrahim Kadriu, from the Association for Culture and Science “Ars Albanica”, was awarded a plaque for his contribution to the literary and artistic activity, the cultivation and affirmation of Albanian literature throughout the Albanian area and beyond.