After the grateful meeting, held on May 7, 2024 with former rectors Prof. Dr. Nexhbedin Beadini, Prof. Dr. Sadi Bexheti, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili and Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, who led the University of Tetova in the past, the current Rector, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, on May 20, 2024, received in his cabinet the family members of the founder and the first Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, Rector Prof. Dr. Ramiz Abdyli and Rector Prof. Dr. Agron Reka. In this friendly meeting, the Rector, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, expressed his and the institution’s appreciation for the three rectors who, in different periods, performed their duties with dedication, piety, and complete success in leading this institution, which year marks the 30th anniversary of its foundation and its educational, scientific, and cultural activities.

“The governing bodies of our University, the academic staff, and the students highly appreciate the contribution of the founder of this institution, Professor Fadil Sulejmani. They recognize his sacrifice, leadership, and confrontation with the oppressive system of the time, which, using the entire state apparatus, challenged the normal and legal functioning of the University of Tetova. However, thanks to the determination of the first rector and the widespread support from the people, this institution managed to fulfill its objective for which it was founded in 1994. Likewise, we as leaders appreciate and remember the successful work of the rectors Prof. Dr. Ramiz Abdyli and Prof. Dr. Agron Reka, who, at different times and despite many challenges, successfully led this educational-scientific institution, a cornerstone of our national identity”,- said the of the UT, Rector Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

The former rectors who passed away years ago were represented at this meeting by the wife of Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, Prof. Dr. Haxhere Sulejmani, and the son of Prof. Dr. Agron Reka, Shkëlqim Reka. Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Ramiz Abdyli, who was unable to attend for objective reasons, was represented by his son, director Kastriot Abdyli.

At the end of this meeting, as a sign of gratitude and respect for their contributions to the direction and development of the University of Tetova, the Rector, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, bestowed a gratitude to the families of the aforementioned rectors. All the former rectors and their families expressed their appreciation for the current leadership of UT, which reminds the leaders over the years, the difficult path and full of sacrifices that this institution has gone through to reach these levels and contemporary standards like the universities of known from the region and the international arena.