Within the project “Young People Think – Media Literacy”, which was implemented over a period of one year by the Faculty of Pedagogy in cooperation with the Center for Communication IREX and with support from USAID, the final summative activity was carried out on May 30, 2024, in the premises of the Faculty of Pedagogy, together with students and staff.

This project aimed to provide new knowledge and skills in media literacy to the students of the Faculty of Pedagogy, specifically teaching them what language to use in public writing, how to identify fake news, and more. The closing activity was declared open by the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi, who expressed his satisfaction with the dedication and commitment of both students and staff, noting that this project has been beneficial considering the demands of the labor market and the times in which we live. The activity was moderated by the vice dean for science, Asst. Prof. Dr. Teuta Ramadani-Rasimi, and was conducted in two parts. In the first part, a quiz was held with the students, who were divided into three groups. The group that answered the literacy-related questions the fastest were the winners.

The second activity was conducted by MSc. Adrijana Velija, who presented the students with two news articles, one fake and one real. The students’ task was to analyze the articles and provide arguments to explain why they believed each one was real or fake.

The activity was followed with enthusiasm by the students and academic staff in attendance, who had the opportunity to learn about the design activities.

It should be noted that within the framework of the one-year activities at the Faculty of Pedagogy for the “Young People Think” project, the syllabuses of some subjects were revised by seven lecturers, who then carried out activities with the students. Additionally, a visit to TV Klan Macedonia was organized with the participation of students, and a handbook containing works related to media education has been prepared and is expected to be published soon.