Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, together with the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, and the Vice-Rector for Science, Prof. Dr. Agon Memeti, participated in the inauguration of the Museum of the Balkan Universities Association and in the proceedings of the Second Symposium on Management, Documentation and Cooperation Between the Libraries of the Balkans, which was held at the Trakya University.
The Trakya University with the inauguration of the Museum of the Balkan Universities Association marked an important moment, which was also accompanied by the organization of the Second Symposium on Management, Documentation and Cooperation among the Libraries of the Balkans, a scientific meeting of importance for the activity of these institutions.
Within the framework of the symposium, the first panel focused on the vision and mission of BUA, with four panelists who were also founders of the Association, under the moderation of Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoglu, Rector of the Trakya University; Prof. Dr. Yener Yoruk, former Rector of the Trakya University; Prof. Dr. Ivan Ilchev, former Rector of the University of Sofia; Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti – President of the Senate of the University of Tetova and Prof. Dr. Nermina Hadzigrahic – Rector of the University of Tuzla.
In his speech in front of the participants, the President of the UT Senate emphasized that the main goal of the Balkan Universities Association since its creation remains to define a leading vision for the future through universities, libraries, and research centers in the Balkan region, based on shared global values.
“Founded in 2014, the main goal of the Association of Balkan Universities has remained consistent since its inception: to define a leading vision for the future through universities, libraries, and research centers in the Balkan region, based on common global values. This vision includes fostering even stronger scientific collaboration, promoting intercultural dialogue, and creating sustainable partnerships. Together, we have launched joint scientific research projects, as well as organized several scientific conferences and symposiums. Looking forward, it is imperative that we continue to prioritize innovation, inclusiveness and excellence in all our endeavors. By leveraging the diverse talents and resources across our member institutions, we can address tomorrow’s challenges and seize opportunities for growth and development. As we reflect on our past achievements and look to the future, let us reaffirm our commitment to the values of cooperation, integrity and academic excellence that define the Association of Balkan Universities. It is essential to reaffirm our commitment to the objectives that guide our mission”. Ai po ashtu shtoi se materializimi i këtij vizioni bëhet përmes formimit të një rrjeti shkencor në fushat e gjuhësisë, kulturës, artit, historisë, ekonomisë, arsimit dhe sportit; organizimi i programeve të përbashkëta diplomike; hapja e arkivit të përbashkët; hapja e Institutit të Gjuhës, Kulturës dhe Qytetërimit të Popujve Ballkanikë; duke bërë edhe më shumë projekte të përbashkëta shkencore, hulumtuese dhe inovative, si dhe duke organizuar programe shkëmbimi për stafin akademik dhe programe shkëmbimi për studentët brenda anëtarëve të BUA-së. Duke ndjekur me vendosmëri këto qëllime, ne mund të sigurojmë që Asociacioni i Universiteteve Ballkanike të mbetet një fener përsosmërie, inovacioni dhe bashkëpunimi në botën akademike.