Today in Tetovo was commemorated the patriotic activity of the icon of Tetovo and beyond, the tireless activity of the national issue, Rafi Halili. On this occasion in his house was also inaugurated the commemorative plaque dedicated to the resistance, sacrifice and dedication of the leader of the organization “Kushtrimi i Lirisë”, Rafi Halili.

This event was attended by well-known personalities, including former political prisoners, associates of Rafi Halili, the President of the Democratic Union for Integration, Ali Ahmeti, the President of the UT Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Rector of the UT, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, Vice-Rector for Science, Prof. Dr. Agon Memeti, the General Secretary, Adem Beadini, as well as many of his friends and family. About the life and activity of Rafi Halili, along with many activists, to the attendances with occasion speech addressed the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti. “Speaking in this open auditorium about Rafi Halili, this great colossus of Albanianism, it is a very short time. As a University, we organized a scientific conference dedicated to the organization “Kushtrimi i Lirisë” and on behalf of the Faculty of Philosophy, we published a scientific journal dedicated to the activity, effort and vision for the development of the political processes of Albanians in these regions, dedicated to Rafi Halili. Dear family of Rafi Halili, we are proud, because for all of us it is inspiration, it is motivation to build our future. Rafi Halili will remain the icon of a dedicated patriot, of an invincible and unbought patriot, because the Albanian lands have seen a lot. Rafi Halili was special, together with his friends, with Rexhep Mala and other friends, with everyone who worked in our territories, from Struga, Podujevo and Mitrovica, they guided us and left us what we have. because we wouldn’t be as we are, the situation would be different. Their inspiration and motivation have pushed us to reach this level of development and progress in science, culture, health and so on. Once again, on behalf of the Senate of the University, on behalf of the University, I express gratitude to his family, glory to the work of all the martyrs of the nation, glory to the work of Rafi Halili. May the memory of this colossus of Albanianism never be forgotten”.

It is worth noting that, last year, 2022, the University of Tetova, through a solemn manifestation, on the occasion of the November holidays, unveiled the names of the amphitheaters, with the emblematic names, that have left an indelible mark in our national history, among them the name of one of the main amphitheaters of the rectorate, with the name of Rafi Halili, the activist and patriot of our national issue. His life and activity will always be remembered and will serve as a model of inspiration for generations, how we should work and sacrifice for our cause.