The professors of the University of Tetova are successfully continuing with the conduction of the trainings for the development and advancement of the professional competences of the educational framework. So far, over than 800 teachers and over than 200 participants from the professional services of primary and secondary schools from various cities of the Republic of North Macedonia have participated in the training. The above-mentioned trainings are carried out in Tetovo, Skopje, Bitola, Gostivar, Ohrid, Debar, Kumanovo, Prilep, Veles, Koçani, Štip, Kavadarci, Radoviš, Kriva Palanka, Demir Hisar, etc.

Trainings for the development and advancement of the professional competencies of the educational framework are organized within six programs accredited by the Bureau for Development of Education, including: Education in a contemporary context (Development of socio-emotional skills); Developing social skills and self-confidence in students, dealing with problematic behaviors and creating a positive socio-emotional climate in the classroom; Teaching for the development of students’ critical thinking; Gender equality and gender sensitivity in school; Teaching based on the problem-solving approach and Designing objective tests of knowledge.

Otherwise, the training started on June 15 and will end on August 31, 2023.