The Special Study Week organized by the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Tetova and the Association “Education” from Switzerland, successfully concluded its activities on October 18, 2024. This year’s topic was: “Natural Diversity – Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity – Interculturality”. On the last day, in the courtyard of the Primary school “Abdyl Frashëri” in Bogovinje, was held a socio-cultural and educational fair, where the values ​​of the cultural and educational heritage were presented in several tents, as well as food from the schools and working groups of all the villages of Municipality of Bogovinje.

This activity was also supported by the Municipality of Bogovinje, in which case the mayor of this Municipality, Besnik Emshiu, thanked all the participants for the contribution made during this week, leaving a positive impression, and in particular all the schools, which have been at the best possible level. He emphasized that the Municipality of Bogovinje has always supported these activities and will continue to support them in the future.

Vice-Rector for Science, Prof. Dr. Agon Memeti said that this activity is a proof of the continuous commitment of the Faculty Pedagogy to expand the horizons of our students, not only through theory, but also through practical experiences. “I believe that the visits you made to the villages of Bogovina municipality have given you a deeper understanding of coexistence with nature and respect for cultural heritage. The success of this week would not have been possible without your dedication and cooperation. Our third- and fourth-year students have shown enthusiasm and curiosity to learn more, while the academic staff and collaborators have made a valuable contribution to the successful implementation of the activities. This is the best example of education that embraces diversity and encourages inquiry and the development of critical thinking. As a university, we are proud to support such initiatives that help the professional and personal development of our students, preparing them for a future where they will play an active role in preserving and promoting natural and cultural diversity” – said among other things the Vice-Rector for Science, Prof. Dr. Agon Memeti.

While the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi thanked everyone for the dedication and extraordinary efforts they have made during these unforgettable days. According to him, this week was more than an ordinary event; it was a summary of our natural and cultural wealth, emphasizing the diversity that the Sharr highlands represent in the Municipality of Bogovinje. “These countries are blessed with outstanding natural beauty and rich ethno-cultural features that make us proud of our rich heritage. The Sharri Mountains offer a mosaic of untouched nature, impressive landscapes and a rare biodiversity that makes this area a real treasure for us and for future generations. Also, the ethno-cultural heritage of these territories represents special values ​​related to traditions, customs, language and folk art that have been inherited from generation to generation” – said the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi.

Then he spoke about the peculiarities and specifics of each settlement and each school in this wonderful land, which have proved an unparalleled contribution to the preservation and promotion of our cultural, educational and historical values. He also thanked all those without whom this activity would not be possible. “In these countries, extraordinary personalities were born and raised who have contributed in various fields- whether in our rich history, in education, culture, sports or in other areas that have influenced the development and enrichment of our common heritage. A special thanks goes to the Municipality of Bogovinje, headed by the mayor Besnik Emshiu, together with the department for public activities, the leader Nuriman Tefiku and Minur Asani, for their tireless support and for their continuous commitment during our visits and in this closing activity, as well as businessman Arif Sulejmani. Without their support and dedication, many of our activities and initiatives would not have been accomplished with the success we saw this week. During this week, we also developed parallel creative trainings with educators, emphasizing the importance of educating and preparing new generations with skills and knowledge that will contribute to the development of our community in the future. These trainings were an excellent opportunity to share ideas, foster creativity and promote an innovative approach to education and professional development. On this occasion, I thank the director of the Kindergarten “Rinia”, Mrs. Fatlinda Jaja, who offered the space for training with trainers Erik Masina and Shukrije Lecaj.” – said the Dean of the Faculty Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi.

Meanwhile, the President of the Association “Education” from Switzerland, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahir Mustafa thanked all those who contributed to the Special Study Week and then announced the names of the kindergartens and schools that will receive donations precisely from the Special Study Week, such as the Kindergarten of Kamenjane and all the schools of the Municipality of Bogovinje, the schools suburbs in the highlands of Sharri, as well as the Kindergarden “Rinia” in Tetova and the one in Bogovinje with the same name.

At the closing ceremony, the students of the Faculty of Pedagogy promoted the works from the two-day workshops that were held at the faculty and conducted learning through various games with the students. Their works were also presented by kindergarten teachers from Čair, Saraj, Tetovo, Kamenjane, Debar and Kîçevo who attended the training with creative workshops for four days in a row in the Kindergarten “Rinia” – Tetovo.