On June 21-23, was held the 19th edition of the ArsKosova 2024 International Competition of Young Musicians in Pristina, Kosovo, organized by the Foundation ArsKosova. This competition includes various musical categories and disciplines, providing an exceptional platform for young artists to showcase their musical skills.

In this competition, the student of the Faculty of Arts – Musical Art, Zulejhan Saiti, prepared by the professor of solfege, Teuta Alimi Selmani, who won the first prize in the discipline of Solfeggio, category VI – student category.

The professor and the student prepared intensively for the required program of the discipline of Solfege (category VI), working with dedication and passion to complete the tasks and exercises required by the program.

All contestants were evaluated by a professional and international jury of 25 distinguished professors from different countries. These well-known experts in the field of music assessed participants based on their respective musical profiles and disciplines.

It is worth mentioning that Professor Teuta was also invited to be a member of the jury for this edition.

This success serves as a motivation and inspiration for all other students, encouraging them to work with dedication and passion on their musical path.