With the motto “The world is bright, save your sight”, the Student Parliament of the University of Tetova, in cooperation with the Glaucoma Cabinet at the University Clinic of Eye Diseases in Skopje, today in Tetovo marked the World Glaucoma Day.
In the world, this day is marked every year with the aim of sensitizing citizens to perform eye pressure measurements so that the disease can be prevented in time. On this occasion, a group of students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences under the leadership of the assistant of the course of ophthalmology, Dr. Muhamedin Rushiti have carried out free eye pressure measurement checks and at the same time have informed the citizens about this disease.
The team of students who performed free checks for citizens was visited by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, President of the Senate Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences Prof. Dr. Nevzat Elezi together with some of his associates.
Among other things, the citizens had the opportunity to be informed that glaucoma is a serious eye disease which, if not treated in time, leads to complete blindness, otherwise it is also known as the “The silent thief of sight” because in the beginning there are almost no signs. The main cause of glaucoma is the increase in eye pressure, which leads to damage to the optic nerve.