At the University of Tetova, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics – held today one-day training on the topic “Solving the matriculation exam with application software”. High school graduates from our country participated in this activity, who had the opportunity to use the platforms Wolfram Mathematica and GeoGebra, software suitable for work in various fields of mathematics and other sciences, which offer opportunities for solving complex mathematical problems, which speed up the problem-solving process and help to visualize and analyze mathematical models. Activities of this format are organized for the first time in the Study Program of Mathematics, so the organizers hope it will become a tradition in the future, seeing the great interest of the graduates to participate in this process.

Head of the Study Program of Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Flamure Sadiki thanked the graduates who did not hesitate to participate in this event and emphasized that the use of such software helps to develop students’ interest in mathematics, by offering a more interactive and attractive way to learn. “This software can be used to solve more complex mathematical problems, helping students to understand better the characteristics of the problems and develop different approaches to solve them. The use of application software can help to develop programming skills and this can give a career advantage to students in the fields of engineering, computer science and other technical fields”, said the Head of the Study Program of Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Flamure Sadiki.

The application of such programs in teaching makes the difference from traditional teaching and learning, by offering a more interactive and engaging way to learn mathematics. This change can help motivate students and increase their success.