University of Tetova, in cooperation with the Association for culture “Reka e Epërme” from Gostivar, organized a round table with the topic: “Revival and future of Upper Reka”.

Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Salajdin Salihu, in his speech, emphasized that the Upper Reka, as an area of stunning beauty and impressive and tragic history, has always been in the attention of the leaders of the University of Tetova. “Upper Reka is an area with special ethnographic emphasis and very important for the Albanian identity, because it awakens sad memories. Because it teases our conscience to pay as much as possible attention to it, as well as to the personalities who published primers, books and journals in Albanian and foreign languages. Let’s mention some activities of the University of Tetova related to the Upper Reka. On the initiative of professor Vullnet Ameti a few years ago, was organized a march for Josif Bageri; University of Tetova published the monograph “Orthodox Albanians in the Republic of North Macedonia”, by the “highly praised” Albanian, Branisllav Sinadinovski. Within the University, function the Science Institute “Josif Bageri”. Also, a special issue was dedicated to Upper Reka in the journal “Philosophica” and a brochure was published about the architectural peculiarities of Upper Reka and many other activities, – said the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Salajdin Salihu.

Meanwhile, the representative of the Association ” Reka e Epërme”, Tafë Ameti, made a retrospective of all their activities. The Association for Culture “Reka e Epërme” was an initiative of our emigrants with temporary work in the countries of Western Europe led by the current President of the association, Ismail Murati. This initiative was supported by intellectuals and businessmen of Reka who live and operate in Gostivar, and on March 16, 2014, the initiating Council was formed at the “Ignatia” Hotel in Gostivar. Regarding the organizations, it is worth emphasizing the organization of the 8 editions of the “Upper Reka Meetings”, are organized each time at the end of July and the beginning of August, when most of our compatriots are on annual vacations in the country. The manifestation includes two activities, the organization of the march through the places and the beautiful peaks of the mountains of Korab, Bistra and Sharr, with the participation of mountain associations of the country and the region and lovers of nature, as well as the central manifestation, with the massive participation of all the residents of Reka and more widely, especially the villages of Skopje and Veles originating from this side”, said among others the representative of the Association “Reka e Epërme”, Tafë Ameti.

Following this activity, the participants in the panel presented their works. Prof. Dr. Fehari Ramadani elaborated on the topic: Orthodox Albanians of the province of Reka in front of the assimilationist policies of the neighboring countries (19th century – beginning of the 20th century:); Prof. Dr. Fatmir Sulejmani addressed the topic: “Revival and the future of Upper Reka” and the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Enis Jakupi spoke about Upper Reka and Upper Reka housing.

As a sign of respect for the cooperation with the University of Tetova, the President of the Association “Upper Reka”, Ismail Murati, expressed gratitude to the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Salajdin Salihu and the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

To the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti the gratitude was given for the extraordinary contribution he has made in the field of education and for his unwavering support for the affirmation of the historical, ethnographic, folkloric and linguistic values of Upper Reka. Some of the activities that he has supported are: March for Josif Bageri, Publication of the book “Orthodox Albanians”, foundation of the Institute of Albanian Language, Culture and Civilization “Josif Bageri”. Also, within the institute were organized, the symposium for Orthodox Albanians and the symposium for Rafi Halili and the publication of two special issues of the journal “Philosophica”. Also, as a sign of mutual respect, the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti bestowed the logo of Josif Bageri to the President of the Association “Reka e Epërme”, Ismail Murati. This activity was concluded with a performance by the artists of Upper Reka.