The leaders of the Public Enterprise of State Roads of North Macedonia, led by Director, Ejup Rustemi, today paid a working visit to the University of Tetova. On this occasion, they were received in a meeting by the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli; Vice-Rector for Finance, Prof. Dr. Aida Yzeiri Baftijari; Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Selajdin Salihu; Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Enis Jakupi; the Head of the Office for International Relations, Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatibe Deari Zeqiri and the Head of the Rector’s cabinet, Valmisa Novi.

In this meeting, the parties discussed many issues, where our two institutions can cooperate in the future. The Vice-Rector for Finance of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Aida Yzeiri Baftijari, in this meeting, stated that the University of Tetova has all the possible capacities to cooperate with the Enterprise for State Roads, as with the commitment of the academic staff of the Faculty of Applied Sciences and not only, but also the students for cooperated in various projects, and in particular in the project of Corridor 8, where our lecturers and students will be able to join and be part of this project, which is one of the biggest investments in our country. She also added that the Laboratory for testing building materials of the Faculty of Applied Sciences can be of great help to the companies that will be involved in the construction of the Corridor 8.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Public Rnterprise of State Roads, Ejup Rustemi, said that, as a public enterprise of state roads, we are very interested in developing our cooperation as much as possible with universities, especially with the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Tetova, with in order to invest in the creation of professional staff, because all this road infrastructure requires maintenance and this would be facilitated by professionals, who with their knowledge would contribute to overcoming barriers and challenges, that would be a great help to us.

Also, in this meeting, a cooperation memorandum was signed between the University of Tetova and the Public Enterprise of State Roads of North Macedonia. The memorandum in question foresees various forms of cooperation, including the creation and organization of activities aimed at the general well-being of both institutions; Participation in professional trainings, seminars, conferences, round tables and other events related to the strengthening of capacities and quality of services.

In the memorandum signed by the Rector of the UT, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli and the Director of the Public Enterprise for State Roads, Ejup Rustemi, among others, it is foreseen that the parties to contribute in the development of programs suitable to the needs of the users of the institutions’ services. During the creation of projects related to the respective group, both parties will mutually inform the planning of project activities and implement joint projects.