University of Tetova, through the organization of the solemn graduation ceremony, promoted today the generation of the academic year 2022/23. About 800 graduates in thirteen academic units have completed their first cycle of studies, so today, together with their parents and family members, they solemnly closed a chapter to open another in their professional career. This activity gathers thousands of citizens and is considered the most important event for higher education in the Albanian language, because it marks an educational-scientific achievement for the University of Tetova and the entire society.

This ceremony was declared open by the member of the Senate of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Flamure Ibraimi – Sadiku, who said that this university has always created space and many opportunities for in-depth studies in all spheres of knowledge.

“As a university, we have enabled studies and research in all spheres of knowledge and we have promoted new ideas and solutions at the national level and beyond. Today, the University of Tetova is a recognized name not only nationally, but also internationally. This university is a center of knowledge and an inspiring force even for those who will start their studies at this institution this year. The graduates of our university have proved themselves in all spheres of knowledge. They have scored numerous successes in all spheres of social life”, said Prof. Dr. Flamure Ibraimi-Sadiku.

In the following of her speech to the graduates, she emphasized that, the knowledge you have gained, you will now apply outside the doors of the university, with a sense of responsibility for yourself, your family and society.

“Our society will benefit from your knowledge. With your commitment, you will influence the public good. With your creativity you will influence a better life and society. With your professional competence, you will influence institutions to be shaped according to the demands of global citizenship. We strongly believe that You will fulfill the mission that You have assigned to yourself. Only dedication and hard work enable success and create great and unforgettable works that benefit society and humanity. You have learned the message that learning continues even after graduation. The time to learn and study never ends. This is a permanent process, which will complete your lives”, declared the member of the Senate of the UT.

The graduation ceremony of UT graduates was also greeted by the Minister of Education and Science of the Government of RNM, Jeton Shaqiri. He congratulated the students who today graduated from the University of Tetova, this university that bears the stamp of the struggle for knowledge, it makes proud Tetova, North Macedonia, but also the entire Albanian-speaking region and beyond.

“With the University of Tetova, years ago, we as a country took an important step in providing higher education in the Albanian language. “With the University of Tetova, years ago, we as a country took an important step in providing higher education in the Albanian language. Today, UT is taking important steps in the direction of raising the quality of scientific research, with organizations and participation in valuable conferences and symposiums, both in the country and in the region, in the investment of the educational framework, new study programs in keep up with the times, the labor market and the latest technologies. In a word, UT today is an institution respected by everyone and it is the obligation of each of us to do our best to promote and fanatically protect this hearth of knowledge, this temple of social advancement”, declared the Minister, Jeton Shaqiri.

Speaking on behalf of the government of our country, the Minister of Education and Science pledged that they will do their best to improve the conditions for employment, the standard of living, the improvement of the business climate, support for opening businesses, for all those who be accepted in the best universities – fully covering the costs of studies, to make our country safer, to make it the number one option to live and work.

In the capacity of an excellent student, on front of colleagues and parents, with occasion speech held Fatbardha Zendeli, graduate of the Faculty of Pedagogy. She singled out the support they have received as students of the University of Tetova from the leaders of the University, from the professors and the Union of Students, which is indescribable because their priority has been always and is the students, especially the advancement in various scientific programs, considering the scholarships awarded to excellent students. “As a student of the Faculty of Pedagogy, I am happy and satisfied that I studied at this University, because my knowledge is engraved in a temple of knowledge such as the University of Tetova, by creating space and opportunities for us to practice for these four years in countries outside North Macedonia, enabling us to face the newest innovations, contemporary literature, as well as motivation to participate in various conferences and trainings that are in step with the times, as well as the innovations that technical and scientific development brings, including the digitalization of the University that it facilitates the work of students and academic staff, and this is to be welcomed”, said Fatbardha Zendeli.

Meanwhile, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti emphasized that today a new generation of graduates is being added to our University, who this year will complete their studies in thirteen faculties and in dozens of study programs, from who we as leaders, you as parents, and the entire society, await the future cadre with great hope.

“With hundreds of graduates of engineering and technology sciences, social sciences, humanities and arts, medical and natural sciences, they complete their studies and together today we celebrate the success achieved with a lot of effort and sacrifice, so I want to congratulate each and every one of them. I want to express my most heartfelt thanks to the real contributors in shaping your success: parents, family, relatives, friends, professors and colleagues, who have believed in your abilities by giving you the impetus to move forward, advising and supporting you, even serving as an example to follow. This support has served as a foundation on which you have built the dreams and goals you have set for yourself”, stated the Rector of UT. He also added that, on this symbolic day of the successful completion of this life cycle, remember that you are the hope and the future of this people, that you have given life to this University, even tomorrow when you put into practice your knowledge that you have acquired during your studies, honor yourself, your family and this temple of knowledge, by performing good deeds, in the service of society and humanity.

“You will always be our voice that will break through the reason of new generations, cultivating knowledge and sowing love for it. You will be the ones who will make us more successful because the success of a university is measured by the achievements of its students. You, the best ambassadors of the University, never forget how this temple of knowledge began to breathe, so proudly present it and raise your voice, even beyond the borders of our country, being a worthy competitor alongside your colleagues from other universities of the country, the region and beyond, to face the challenges of modern society”, said Rector Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

At the end of his speech, the Rector of UT said that with the experiences of this important day, the emotions and feelings of sacrifice of the first generations of students, who did not have the opportunity to celebrate in a solemn way, so they symbolically join hands and your joy and experience becomes theirs as well. According to him, the work and sacrifice of previous generations of professors and students of this University is turning into luck and happiness for them and the future generations.

This year’s graduation program ended with the artistic part performed by Bajramali Idrizi and Shpëtim Mustafa. The annual organization of the graduation ceremony of our graduates testifies the contribution of a joint work that is successfully developed by the students and lecturers of the University of Tetova, which was raised on this pedestal, on the resistance and sacrifice of the Albanian nation, the blood of to the martyrs of Albanian education, Abdylselam Emini and the vital contribution of the founders headed by Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani.