In an imposing atmosphere on June 29, 2024, the University of Tetova promoted the graduates of the generation 2023/2024. This special event, celebrating the graduates who reached this historic moment through hard work and dedication, was attended by thousands of parents and family members who came to share this exciting occasion with their sons and daughters.

The hat-throwing ceremony was declared open by the President of the Senate of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti. He stated that he would forever show future generations how challenging the journey to knowledge and enlightenment was, and how difficult it was to prevent the fragmentation of this national project that keeps the spirit alive. He highlighted that the achievements of the University of Tetova have exceeded all initial expectations, approaching history from its roots rather than its branches. “I approach history from the founder, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, who stands in front of you even today, with his statue still embodying mission and vision. Thus, I invite you to read and learn history through examples, because moments and examples of triumph are rare in our national history – the University of Tetova is one of those moments. Our university has been and will remain a center of knowledge and progress. We have worked tirelessly to offer you not only a quality education but also an environment where you can grow as individuals and as responsible citizens aware of the obligations that await us. The world was not created by receiving but by giving – with this philosophy was created the University, that’s why it is so sacred for us, the People’s University!”- said Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

In the study programs at the University of Tetova, a considerable number of students have finished their studies with high averages, while to the participants with occasion speech addressed the students, Meriton Ibrahimi from the study program of Informatics and Fatjona Karpuzi from the study program the Albanian Language and Literature are among these high achievers.

The main and concluding speech of this ceremony was delivered by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, who described this moment as historic and special, as it coincides with the jubilee year of the founding of the University of Tetova, which for 30 years, as a center of education, has served new generations from the Albanian ethnic territories in our country and beyond. “The University of Tetova has transformed into a temple of education, learning, and national advancement. However, the progress of our students has been and continues to be an achievement above achievements, success upon successes. Our graduates, with their diplomas from the University of Tetova, are evidence of the seriousness of this institution, which with all its capacities and possibilities, aims for collective progress in the world of science and aspires to a bright future for these names, who sooner or later, will be heard as success stories in an even larger audience than today’s, in various institutions within the state and on the international stage, from Brussels to Washington”, said the Rector of the UT, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

This great event for our graduates concluded with a rich artistic program, during which the professor from the Faculty of Arts, singer Bajramali Idrizi, performed for the graduates.