The Faculty Of Pedagogy of the University of Tetova, through a solemn academy, marked March 7 – Teacher’s Day, this event that reminds us of the sacrifice and struggle of our ancestors to have an education in the Albanian language. In this academy were present The Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, the General Secretary, vice-rectors, senators, deans, professors, the president of the Student Parliament and students.

Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmeti, in his speech, said that today we celebrate one of the most important historical dates, March 7 – Teacher’s Day, which signals a past and is the start of an important push to build the national future, preventing the forms of different assimilation. “The celebration of this day, which has been celebrated in Albania since 1960, while in our country after the 90s. Albanian teachers at any time and in any province, were not just professional in education, but first of all they were patriots and emancipated people, idealists, humanists and artists of various fields. They always served as a model for the students, therefore, in front of them is  the teacher who did not spare time, spirit, and because of this model they choose teaching”, he said. the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmeti.

The central report for March 7 was presented by the professor of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Doc. Dr. Arbëresha Zenki. Focusing on the importance of the Albanian school, said that the Albanian National Renaissance made great strides in the revival and affirmation of the Albanian nation through the patriotic teachers of the time. “The opening of the first classroom, which became the center of the awakening and growth of national consciousness for the unification of the nation, also aimed to preserve and cultivate the language as a vital element of the nation itself, and at the same time presented a democratic model for the inclusion of children and all layers. In addition to the dedication to compiling the first documented school textbooks, the national school of Korça aroused enthusiasm among the patriots of the whole country for the opening of other schools in different provinces and for educating students with a spirit of patriotism, who would become in the  future the descendants of the ideology of their teachers in the fight for freedom and independence”, said Doc. Dr. Arbëresha Zenki.

This academy was closed with some artistic performances performed by Nexhmije Sulejmani, Sena Hoda and Benjamin Menga – students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and the Faculty of Arts.