Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Tetova and the Macedonian Civic Education Center signed a memorandum of cooperation. This cooperation between the parties was achieved for the conduction of the project Promoting a safe school environment, which is supported by the Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation.

According to the memorandum signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi and the Executive Director of the Civic Education Macedonian Center, Besnik Ramadani, the project aims to contribute from both sides to the implementation of children’s right to quality education, in a safe school environment and participants in 26 primary schools and 24 high schools. Students will learn about protection from violence against children, recognition and fight against different forms of violence, non-violent communication, peaceful resolution of conflicts and practice the knowledge gained in practical teaching according to revised programs in certain courses.

In the framework of this memorandum, it is foreseen to carry out a series of activities such as: Organization of two workshops for professors (4-6 professors) for analysis of the current curricula and determination of opportunities for the incorporation of new contents in the relevant courses, whose curricula have content related to the purpose of the project. Development of a teaching module (by a team of experts) on protection from violence against children (recognition and fight against different forms of violence, non-violent communication, peaceful resolution of conflicts). Approval of the module within the faculty. The project team will collaborate with faculty leadership to approve the module in order to integrate it into current curricula. Implementation of the module within regular curricula. Supporting practical teaching of students to apply knowledge and skills through practice in schools and non-governmental organizations. Support through grants that can be used for various types of student initiatives, academic research by professors, etc. A total of 3 grants will be awarded, each worth 180,000 MKD. Grants will be provided through an open call.