University of Tetova, today, through a memorial academy, honored the life and work of Nobel laureate Prof. Dr. Ferid Murad, also laureate of the title Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Tetova.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli, in his speech addressed to the attendees, said that honoring a colossus of global proportions, such as Prof. Dr. Ferid Murad is an obligation for each of us, because he raised the name of the Albanian nation, to whom he himself belonged, to the highest pedestals. “The career of our Nobel laureate, Prof. Dr. Ferid Murad was associated with successive achievements, influential positions, relevant advancements in important institutions in many countries of the world, member and collaborator in many different associations and institutions, chairman of hundreds of commissions and councils with a teaching-scientific character. His activity should be singled out in dozens of medical centers and universities, such as: University of Virginia, University of Texas, Stanford University, Abbott Laboratories and others. His thought, which never stopped, has enriched science with scientific publications and professional publications, books and professional literature. Such professional-scientific activity is a guide for the new generations, who are determined for research-

Vice-Rector for International Relations of our University, Prof. Dr. Saladin Salihu spoke about the life and work of the novelist Ferid Murad. He said that, with his passing into eternity, a moving library of medical science was extinguished. “We can compare life with the segment. Its two limiting ends are: birth and death. This comparison seems like a law not repealed by anyone. But the life of the scholar is half righteous. It is limited to one side only. It has birth, but it extends to infinity. Through a work, an invention or an indelible trace, that no one has left before him, man creates a new eternal form of existence. This existential form has already been provided by Ferid Muradi. In our time, you easily become a temporary media star, because the world adores transient spectacles and performances, but human history proves that reaching eternal Glory has not known and does not know such compromises. Eternal Glory is guaranteed by works of genius, which serve humanity”, emphasized Prof. Dr. Saladin Salihu.

At this commemorative meeting also spoke the General Secretary of DUI, Faton Ahmeti, the Minister of Health, Fatmir Mejxhiti, while on behalf of the family of the deceased Prof. Dr. Ferid Murad, the attendees greeted his nephew, Ferid Muharemi. Likewise, the attendees at this academy in the condolence book recorded their memories of the work of the Nobel laureate Prof. Dr. Ferid Murad.