With a solemn manifestation, the University of Tetova marked March 8 – International Women’s Day. March 8 is celebrated today all over the world, to honor and respect the figure of women. This day is symbolic of the historic journey that women have made all over the world to improve their lives. This day serves not only to unite women regardless of religion, race, culture, language and background, but also to remember the efforts for equality, peace and justice.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti said that their contribution is very valuable and we don’t remember this contribution only today, March 8,and with their work and professional commitment, they make us aware that the voice of women in this institution is very important. “What makes your role important is the fact that you are also a mother, a sister, you are part of your family, therefore dealing with scientific research work and academic work is a challenge, for that reason we humble ourselves in front of your works and promise you that the university will continue to motivate this form of approval, this form of women’s advancement even in the bodies that you represent and represent us”, said the Rector of University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

The report for this marked day was presented by Prof. Dr. Fatmira Lumani. She said that March 8 – International Women’s Day is a glorious day that reminds us of women’s struggle for their freedoms and rights: civil, political, economic and social. “It is a day that reminds us of one of the longest wars in the history of humanity around the world that women have fought, a war that is not over yet. March 8 is the day when we recall the bloody battles full of sacrifices at the global level, so as not to forget their cause that continues to be passed down from generation to generation even today, until the freedoms and rights of women are fully realized. At the same time, we thank these heroines and brave women, who are an example and a motivation to continue the fight to achieve justice and equality between women and men”, emphasized Professor Fatmire Lumani.

International Women’s Day is celebrated today by many organizations around the world. Some organizations ask that this day be a public holiday in their countries.