Within the project called Advancing Social Cohesion in the Republic of Macedonia, today at the University of Tetova was held next training with the students of the Faculty of Pedagogy of our University and the students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences from “Goce Delchev” University – Shtip. This project is supported by USAID in Macedonia and is implemented by Search for Common Ground, an international organization based in Washington DC.
The manager of this project, Pajtim Saiti, said that this training is implemented within the first component of the project. In terms of education, among other things, it is foreseen that trainings for educators, preschool teachers and parents of children who attend the nursery. Within this project are also trained elementary schools teachers, students of public faculties, respectively students of pedagogical faculties from five public universities in the Republic of Macedonia and ends with the training of advisors and inspectors from Education Development the Bureau and the State Education Inspectorate. Training with students is foreseen to be completed in three cycles. This is the second cycle of training and in this cycle of training we allow the students to cooperate with different faculties, in this case today, guests at the University of Tetova at the Faculty of Pedagogy are students of “Goce Delchev” University in Shtip, students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of said University” – said Pajtim Saiti.
The implementation of this project was welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Tetova Prof. Dr. Fadbi Osmani. He said that such trainings will be of great help to our students, who will gain extensive knowledge of how they should exercise their professions in the future, as educators, teachers, pedagogues and so on.
While the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of “Goce Delchev “University in Shtip, Prof. Dr. Despina Sivevska, emphasized that this knowledge is very useful to students as they respond to the challenges of a society, as through these projects our students will be professionally prepared on how to work tomorrow with students, children, etc.
After the completion of the training, students will be equipped with new knowledge, they will be provided also with certificates for participation in the training. According to the organizers of this project, the aim is that through these trainings the students from the public universities of the country to get closer to each other, knowing that although Tetovo and Shtip are two geographically distant cities, but through this cooperation, students will have the opportunity to get acquainted and continue their cooperation despite the geographical distance.