The Faculty of Arts as an integral part of the University of Tetova, with the study programs of Figurative Arts, Musical Arts and Dramatic Arts, it represents the creation of higher education in the field of art.During these decades of existence, all of these study programs within the Faculty of Arts have built a well-known profile and have occupied a special place in the entire education system of RNM and have formed generations of young people dedicated to art andcreative approach in general.

With the foundation of the University of Tetova on December 17, 1994, the Faculty of Arts was founded.In 1996/2002 the Faculty of Arts was transformed into three faculties: the Faculty of Figurative Arts, the Faculty of Musical Arts and the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. In 2002/2004, three faculties merged into one faculty: the Faculty of Arts with three study programs: Figurative Art, Musical Art and Dramatic Art.In 2004 the University of Tetovaby the Accreditation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia, was officially named the “State University of Tetova” and in its frame the Faculty of Human Sciencesand Arts with two study programs;Figurative Art and Musical Art.Meanwhile, in 2008 was transformed into the Faculty of Arts, the name thatstill it carriesout (on July 07, 2008) has been declared the day of the Faculty of Arts).

There are currently three study programs at the Faculty of Arts:

  • Figurative art
  • Musical art
  • Dramatic and audiovisual arts

Studies at the Faculty of Arts are compoundedwith theCredit Transfer AccumulationSystem, which is conceived in accordance with the recommendations and determined framework of European academies and faculties and in accordance with Bologna Declaration.Studies in the first cycle at the Faculty of Arts last four academic years (eight semesters 240 ECTS), whereas the studies of the second cycle last one academic year (two semesters 60 ECTS).The Faculty of Arts participates in the implementation of the Tempus and Erasmus + Program and is in continuous cooperation with universities from all over the region.

For the enrollment of new students, due to the specifics of the study programs, there are certain conditions for registration, respectively all those who have completed the four-year high school and successfully pass the entrance-assessment exam have the registration right.

Since its foundation until today, the Faculty of Arts has had the status of a leading institution in the field of artistic education.During the 27 years of its existence, about 96 prominent professors – artists from the Republic of North Macedonia, the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Kosovo have participated.About 656 students have graduated from this institution, a large number of whom successfully represented the country with exhibitions, films, and concerts, theatrical performances inside and outside the country.

Like other institutions of higher education, the Faculty of Arts in Tetovo is facing the challenges of the modern era.All the characteristics of the time in which we live are reflected in the activity of the Faculty.It is the responsibility of the Faculty teachers to provide curricula, the content of which should be in the line with the needs of the time.

First Cycle

Program ECTS Qualification
Figurative Art – Art Pedagogy 240 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Pedagogy (painting, sculpture, graphics) Download
Figurative Art – Painting 240 Bachelor of Fine Arts – Painter Download
Figurative Art – Graphic 240 Bachelor of Fine Arts – Graphist Download
Figurative Art – Sculptore 240 Bachelor of Fine Arts – Sculptor Download
Figurative Art – Graphic Design 240 Bachelor of Graphic Design Download
Music Art – Music Education 240 Bachelor of Music Education Download
Music Art – Composition 240 Bachelor of Composition Download
Music Art – Conducting 240 Bachelor of Conducting Download
Music Art – Musicology 240 Bachelor of Musicology Download
Music Art – Solo Singing 240 Bachelor of Opera Singer Download
Music Art – Clarinete 240 Bachelor of Clarinete Performance Download
Music Art – Flute 240 Bachelor of Flute Performance Download
Music Art – Piano 240 Bachelor of Piano Performance Download
Music Art – Violin 240 Bachelor of Violin Performance Download
Music Art – Viola 240 Bachelor of Viola Performance Download
Music Art – Cello 240 Bachelor of Cello Performance Download
Music Art – Double Bass 240 Bachelor of Double Bass Performance Download
Music Art – Guitar 240 Bachelor of Guitar Performance Download
Music Art – Oboe 240 Bachelor of Oboe Performance Download
Music Art – Trumpet 240 Bachelor of Trumpet Performance Download
Dramatic Art – Acting 240 Bachelor in Acting Download
Dramatic Art – Theatre Direction 240 Bachelor in Theatre Directing Download
Dramatic Art – Film Direction 240 Bachelor in Film Director Download
Dramatic Art – Film Editing 240 Bachelor in Film Editing Download
Dramatic Art – Cinematography 240 Bachelor in Cinematography Download
Dramatic Art – Film Producing 240 Bachelor on Producing Download
Dramatic Art – Film Dramaturgy and Screenwriting 240 Bachelor in Dramaturgy Download

Second Cycle

Program ECTS Qualification
Painting 60 Master of Arts – Painting
Sculpture 60 Master of Arts – Sculpture
Graphic 60 Master of Arts – Graphics
Graphic Design 60 Master of Graphic Design

Prof. Mr. Senad Abduli

Vice-Dean for Education
Prof. Dr. Jëlldëz Asani

Vice-Dean for Scientific Affairs
Prof. Dr. Nora Halimi

Faculty Secretary
Arber Ameti

Information in process!