Today, at the University of Tetova, in the premises of the Faculty of Law, the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility presented the program for the exchange of students, academic and administrative staff – Ersamus +.
At this meeting attended by a considerable number of students and employees of the UT, the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Shefik Shehu stated that within this successful exchange platform, the University of Tetova this year has followed about 80 students to different universities of Europe, and this implies our strong positioning among the most prestigious European higher education institutions.
Meanwhile, Aleksandar Bogojevski from the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility presented the criteria, opportunities and innovations that this program offers. Erasmus + priorities for the period 2021-2027 remain the quality of education and training, gender involvement and equality, green and digital transition, as well as strengthening cooperation with strategic partners globally. Erasmus + this year has increased support for involvement, which implies that students with one parent, students with Romanian ethnicity, and students who are beneficiaries of social assistance will have additional financial means, coverage of expenses up to 100 %.
The Erasmus + program is the European Union program, that financially supports a series of activities in the field of education, training, youth and sports, through the exchange of students and academic staff among different universities of Europe.