At the University of Tetova, were promoted five scientific books from the field of law of the author Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani. Business law; Bankruptcy; International Business Law; Non-Judicial Dispute Resolution, and Legal Consequences of Non-Performance of the Contract for International Sale of Goods, are the titles of five works that are the product of the author’s many years of work and his research-scientific activity over the years.

On behalf of the University of Tetova, to the participants with greeting speech addressed the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli. He said that the titles of the publications are related to studies from the sphere of justice in the field of civil law and the author has bravely examined topics which really present deficiencies within the entire literature from this sphere. “In the relevant publications are elaborated situations created by non-fulfillment or irregular fulfillment of contractual obligations by one or both contracting parties in the contract for the sale of goods of international character. Legal remedies are considered the essence of contractual law, the absence of which makes it impossible to have an efficient national and international contractual law, including: the right to demand performance, the right to improve performance, to reduce the price, to sever contract and the right to compensation for damage”, emphasized Prof. Dr. Jusuf Zejneli.

The reviewer of the book “International Business Law”, Prof. Dr. Heidi Frostestad Kuehl from the College of Law from Northern Illinois University, USA, unable to be present at this event, through a telegram expressed her evaluations about the book. “I really appreciated the great organization, completeness of the scope of the book, and thorough coverage of the often challenging topics and subtopics of international business law. Professor Shabani’s book is essential for both the historical understanding and development of his arena of international business transactions and the current structure of laws and governing international organizations for international commercial law. His text provides great detail for scholarly coverage of the main institutions of international business law, such as the Hague Conference on Private International Law, the International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”), UNIDROIT, UNCITRAL, EU, and WTO, and then also provides commentary about the need for uniformity in international contract law and the sale goods”,- was said, among other things, in the telegram of Prof. Dr. Heidi Frostestad Kuehl.

Their evaluations about the books of Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani were presented by the reviewers, Prof. Dr. Jadranka Dabović from “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University – Skopje and Prof. Dr. Osman Kadriu, member of the Constitutional Court in our country. They highly appreciated the voluminous work of the author Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani, who, according to them, has applied the scientific method in a very professional manner, and has used a considerable number of foreign sources related to the relevant fields. The university professor, Jadranka Dabovic, said that she feels proud that the author of the aforementioned books has completed his PhD studies at the University where she works.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Osman Kadriu said that, since the period of the first cycle studies, the author Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani was an outstanding student, then with the same dedication he continued his second and third cycle studies. According to him, these publications will be a great help not only for students and the academic community, but also for justice institutions in our country and beyond.

Author Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani said that the finalization of five books is the fruit of ten years of systematic work and activity; of a long study and a perseverance accompanied by hard work and dedication. “Those who write books know the weight of fatigue, of turmoil and permanent and exhausting dilemmas that accompany the author until the moment of their completion. They also know the inexplicable passion that gives to an author strength and patience in his research and scientific work. After each finalization of a research, study, scientific work, which necessarily requires discipline, patience, deepening, study and method, not only the previous troubles are forgotten, but also arises new motive for new projects. The books that are promoted today have been shaped by the professional obligation to offer the reader content that enables them to benefit from new knowledge from the science of justice. The five books, in the first place, are university texts dedicated to students and colleagues, who are part of the academic process, but also for researchers and practitioners of business law.  The permanent push to implement this study project is encouraged by the motive to provide the aforementioned categories and not only, to provide them with updated, structured and comprehensive texts covering legal issues of interest.  The primary purpose of this work that was presented today has been to give its credits to the science of justice by providing the literature that contains the most contemporary achievements and findings.  We have achieved this through the cycle of five books with 3200 pages competently reviewed by seven reviewers. The whole of the books is distinguished by its multidimensional treatment approach: theoretical, empirical, legislative (national and international), procedural (judicial and non-judicial), practical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, comparative and historical”, said Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani.

He further emphasized that an integral part of the books are also two types of appendices, which aim to be operational aids for the effective and efficient implementation of business legislation. “The book Legal Consequences of Non-Performance of the Contract for International Sale of Goods it is the thesis worked on and publicly defended as Doctoral Thesis. It has been elaborated, adapted and formalized in the methodological aspect. The text is organized into six chapters and with documentary support in 159 books, 31 legal acts and in the analysis of 142 court and arbitration decisions. The book “International Business Law” focuses on dealing with the current situation and the challenges faced by the legal framework of international business, but also on the trends and vision towards which this framework aims to proceed.  Bearers of this process, in addition to the states, are also international organizations, among which: The Hague Conference on Private International Law, the World Trade Organization, the International Chamber of Commerce, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, UNIDROIT and UNCITRAL. The book “Non-Judicial Dispute Resolution “, co-authored with Drita Fazliu, elaborates on the main non-judicial ways to resolve disputes, which is globally known as the alternative resolution of disputes, combined with public and private law. The theoretical and normative treatment is complemented by the analysis of forty cases from the practice of arbitration and mediation, including the name disputed between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Greece. Business law represents the notion that includes the entirety of laws, rules and judicial and non-judicial practice, which regulates transactions between business entities for economic benefits. The main aim is to deal in as much detail as possible with the issues related to the above-mentioned topic, the book “Business Law” is divided into seven parts: Commercial Entities, Commercial Contracts, Industrial Property, Banking Activity, Securities, Consumer Protection and Protection of competition. In order to provide a complete overview of bankruptcy and the implementation of the bankruptcy procedure, the book with the same title – Bankruptcy – contains the text divided into fifteen chapters and accompanied by two appendices”, empathized Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani.

At the end, he added that the publication of five university books and other books that will be published in the future is part of the strategy of the leaders of the University of Tetovo for completing the missing university literature dedicated to our students.

“Through this long-term strategy, we believe that the mosaic of necessary university books will continue to be completed. As the author of the books being promoted today, in this special event for me, I feel it as a moral and professional obligation to publicly express my gratitude to the personalities who kindly contributed to these works to see the light of publication and have the content they have. I express special gratitude to the President of the Senate and the former Rector of our University, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, who strengthened my faith and offered support in the publication of these books, which are represented with the logo of the University of Tetova.I am also grateful for the support and valuable contribution to the reviewers, language editors and other collaborators, whose professional opinions take place in these books”, this is how Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani concluded his speech.

In the promotion of these books, a large number of academic personalities, heads of institutions, among them the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, President of the Senate Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ahmeti, General Secretary Adem Beadini, vice-rectors, senators, deans, professors, students and many other guests participated

Prof. Faton Shabani was born on January 1, 1986 in Tetovo. He completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Tetova. He completed his doctoral studies in Business Law at the “Iustinianus Primus” Faculty of Law at the “Saint Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje. He started his academic career in 2011 as an assistant of subjects from the field of civil and commercial law, while today as an associate professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Tetova he teaches the following subjects: Commercial Law,  Law on Obligations, Contract law and international commercial law. As a visiting professor, he has lectured at well-known universities, including: University of Northern Illinois (USA), University of Molise (Italy), “Aristotle” University (Greece), University of Maribor (Slovenia), “Josip Juraj Strossmayer” University (Croatia), Western University of Timisoara (Romania) University of Thrace (Turkey), University of Business (Lithuania), “Aleksandër Xhuvani” University (Albania), “Haxhi Zeka” University (Kosovo), “Kadri Zeka” University (Kosovo) ), “Neofit Rilski” University (Bulgaria), International University of Novi Pazar (Serbia).

Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani is the author of five university books: Bankruptcy (2021), Business Law (2021), Non-Judicial Dispute Resolution (co-authorship) (2019), International Business Law (2018) and Legal Consequences of Non-Performance of the Contract for International Sale of Goods  (2016). Also, he is the author of the chapter Mediation in the Republic of North Macedonia: A Successful Dispute Resolution Tool, in the book Political, Cultural and Economic Developments in the Balkans (published by the University of Thrace, 2022). He is also the co-compiler of the bilingual interpretative contextual dictionary (Macedonian and Albanian) of the sub-disciplines of justice (2021). He is the author of 41 scientific and professional papers published in indexed scientific journals with an impact factor. In addition, he has presented his scientific papers at 39 international scientific conferences, while he has given his scientific contribution and experience as a member of the scientific council in dozens of them. In addition, the author is a member of the editorial board and an official reviewer in 22 international scientific journals.

In 2022, Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani was selected Vice-Rector for Finance, Investments and Development at the University of Tetova. Also, this year the Ministry of Justice has selected a member of the Working Group for the preparation of the Strategy for the judicial sector with the Action Plan 2023-2027. In 2021, he was elected a member of the Senate of the University of Tetova. In the same year, was elected by the Republican Assembly as a member of the National Council for Higher Education and Scientific-Research Activity, while from 2020 he is a member of the Operative Group for the Start of the Process of Codification of Law and Legal Order in the Republic of Macedonia North, as well as being selected as a trainer in the Program for training and examination of candidates for principals in primary and secondary schools.