In the amphitheater of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Tetova, organized by the Association for Autism “Blue Bridge” (Ura Blu) and the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation today held a seminar with topic: “Early identification of autism signs and the efficacy of early intervention”. This seminar was attended by: pediatricians, nursery educators, students of Medicine, Special Education and Psychology, and also was held a lecture by Anjeza Dishnica from the Republic of Albania.
The organization of the seminar was welcomed by the Vice Dean for Education of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof.Dr. Dr. Buniamin Memedi, who emphasized that early identification of autism signs and early intervention helps children in the functionality of their lives.
Anjeza Dishnica explained in detail the importance of identifying and treating these children at an early age, by providing comparisons of the signs of typical children and children with spectrum at different stages of their development. She also highlighted the role of parents, relevant educators, pediatricians and psychologists in the process of integrating and inclusion of these children with autism spectrum. The Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation has carried out activities of this nature in the past, by promoting and providing professional experience to the relevant institutions that deal with this issue.