On the occasion of marking the 27th anniversary of the beginning of the first lectures, the University of Tetova promoted the Monograph, during the period 1994/95 – 2004/2005. The monograph consists of 15 chapters and has a bibliography of 295 source materials. Special merits for the finalization of this magnificent work have the Editor-in-Chief of this work, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, former rector of the University of Tetova, who together with his team, with great perseverance, determination and maximum dedication worked on the finalization of this publication.

At the beginning of his speech spoke about the historical role that the University of Tetova has had in many important processes for our nation. “The University of Tetova is an example of knowledge, freedom, culture, art and civilization. The University of Tetova is the precious stone in the eternal crown of our identity. The University of Tetova is a continuation of the ideas and efforts of the thinkers of the National Renaissance and later paradigms, who believed, rightly, that a nation becomes free through cultural and educational exaltation. Education opens new worldviews for life, society, nation, man, and humanity. Education heals the wounds of society and gives the right direction to the nation’s journey. Through education nations are ennobled and become part of the great family of civilized nations. They become part of cultural interactions and coalitions and participate in the creation of values that are put in the service of all humanity. Through education man becomes aware of his role in society, in national life and beyond. With this ideal, the University of Tetova was founded and exalted, which has created and continues to create its own history. The ideators and founders of the University of Tetova worked tirelessly with this ideal, with this spirit of dedication and sacrifice. They wanted Albanians to live in a righteous state. According to Plato, the just state enables the citizen to have a just cultural and social formation. A just state enables man to take advantage of the opportunities offered by freedom. We live with these ideals, which make the world more beautiful for future generations, who must preserve this spirit because it guides and motivates them during their life journey. Social orientation towards Western civilization has been and continues to remain the primary mission of UT. Working for the University of Tetova is more a sense of responsibility than a sense of privilege. During my work as rector, I felt as a moral, civic, and intellectual obligation for the University of Tetova to have a comprehensive monograph. This project has been thought of and worked on for a long time. Remembering the difficult path that the University of Tetova went through, we know the value of this sacred institution. We feel that we have this institution as a testament that we must always preserve and make it better. Despite many obligations, I have always found time to work diligently in this project, which has now been finalized “- said the Editor-in-Chief of the Monograph of the UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

He, further, speaking in the capacity of Editor-in-Chief of the monograph, said that today I am happy to have the special honor to present to you the monograph for the University of Tetova. According to him, the preparation of the monograph required a lot of effort and dedication, extensive research, collection of materials and documents, field work, data verification, systematization and editing of texts. “The monograph contains a total of 15 chapters. The first chapter brings original evidence on the initiative for the foundation and start of work of the first Albanian University in the Republic of North Macedonia. The other chapters, from the second to the ninth, shed light on the functioning of the University of Tetova, the resistance of the university leaders in the face of state pressures, as well as the sensitization of the public opinion of the country and the international factor for its officialization. Chapters X-XI provide data on the agreement reached between the leadership of UT and the chairman of DUI, Ali Ahmeti, which resulted in the officialization of UT, amending, and supplementing the Law on Higher Education, as well as the approval of Law on the State University of Tetova. “Dear Mr. Ali Ahmeti, thank you for the continuous support you have given and are giving to the University of Tetova!”. In Chapters XIII-XIV we find information about finances, teaching facilities, administrative and other auxiliary spaces during the years 1994-2004. The monograph concludes with Chapter XV, emphasizing the commitment of the UT to the implementation of the mission launched by key figures of the Albanian people. This text of the Monograph extends to 499 pages, is based on 326 footnotes and bibliography of 295 source materials. This work has been as arduous as it is tempting, because when someone works for the University of Tetova it feels more deeply the obligation one has for the common good. When man works with love, passion, and with a sublime purpose, then it gains a strange force. Through research and scientific work, we believe that we have managed to properly finalize the comprehensive monograph, which will serve our memory, will be an appreciation for those who sacrificed and worked for the University of Tetova and will be a meaningful message for those who study and will study at this university. And the message is that great works, such as the University of Tetova, require joint work, wisdom, perseverance, sacrifice, and determination. As the initiator and Editor-in-Chief of the monograph, I was convinced that had been created the right time distance to write the history of the University of Tetova, starting from the birth of the idea, its shaping, the foundation of the institution and the subsequent work. We have seen the whole process in the light of documents and facts. By preparing the monograph we have recalled all the tireless work that has been done for the University of Tetova during this period. A job that deserves to be remembered and respected, because this is a journey through many difficulties and sacrifices “- added among others Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

At the end of his speech, the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti said that, by preparing the monograph, we aimed to arouse the necessary feeling that big projects require unity and cooperation between researchers, for a work to be as perfect as possible. “When we work for our university, which will remain behind us, because it is the castle built and perpetuated between the common sacrifice, we must focus our mind and will there and believe that we have never done enough for it. That we need to do even more. Only in this way, we not only justify our work, but also respect every effort and contribution to this university. The University of Tetova, due to its specific history, evokes a special sensitivity in the soul and mind of Albanians. Therefore, they are not indifferent to this hearth of knowledge. This constant civic and national attention is good for the University of Tetova. This attention is the guardian angel of this university, which is exalted and will be exalted continuously. We believe that the Monograph for the University of Tetova will motivate many other authors in the future to write books of this size, because for this castle of light, education, culture, art, and science will be written throughout the life. As the primary purpose of this monograph is to reveal a memory and history of the University of Tetova, we are open to any suggestions, to be completed during future reprints. As Editor-in-Chief of the Monograph, I am grateful to all those who as part of the editorial staff have given their effort and knowledge in this finalized project, we have been open and ready to consider any suggestions, because we all have a good goal, and our good intention is the commitment to our University and Yours, to the University of all. This Monograph has been written by everyone. It was written by those who came up with the idea for the foundation of the University of Tetova. It was written by those who shaped the project. It was written by those who brought the University of Tetova to life. It was written by those who supported it in all ways, those who lectured and those who studied there. Above all, this monograph was written by those who sacrificed for this University. With their work they honored themselves and the nation. They kept alive the enlightenment spirit we mentioned above. And this spirit guides us today and forever, that a free and exalted nation is one that has love for knowledge, science, culture, art, and works tirelessly to have a deserved place in the family of free nations and civilized, who are moving towards a future oriented by the light of hope, of a better national, international, but also individual life “- concluded his speech Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Editor-in-Chief of the Monograph of the UT.

According to the reviewer, Prof. Dr. Arsim Bajrami, the monograph of UT, is a publication and documentary, which reflects the difficult history of this institution, the popular support that gave support to this institution, the political support of political parties, the founding mayors of Albanian-majority municipalities and up to the process of full formalization under the Ohrid Agreement. “The monograph, with statistical data describes the process of expanding the academic capacity of UT year after year, increasing the number of faculties from 6 to the foundation of new faculties in all academic fields. The authors of the Monograph rightly highlight the historical role of the former Rector, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, who with intellectual courage led and led the process of founding UT, facing state repression, constant pressure, and humiliation that the then government made to this institution. Professor Fadil Sulejmani is rightly considered as one of the founders of UT and his statue in the courtyard of this university will remind the new generations of its historical role. Also, the authors of the Monograph emphasize the importance of the martyr Abdylselam Emini in defense of UT. On this occasion, I want to express the greatest respect to the family of this martyr who was martyred with the ideal of knowledge, education, and prosperity of the Albanian nation in North Macedonia “- said the reviewer, Prof. Dr. Arsim Bajrami.

While the reviewer, Prof. Dr. Myqereme Rusi, one of the women participating in the founding of UT, talking about the events of 1994 said that I am very proud and happy to be part of the history of the founding of the University of Tetova, but that this university does not resemble to others. “The only temple we talk about the history of the foundation is the University of Tetova, there is no talk of other universities, because they have the date and year of foundation that they celebrate. It is quite different, that other universities are established by institutions, by foundations, i.e., a completely different way of founded, as universities should be founded. Meanwhile, this is something else entirely because it came from the people themselves. The initiator was Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, but we all supported him with great dedication and courage until the end, until this idea was accomplished. There were many vicissitudes, there were many Albanian intellectuals among us who said, it is not done, it is utopia, and they left the initiative we had. I guess not everyone takes this job seriously because we will go to the end. We worked hard, we sacrificed a lot. The foundation of the UT has not been easy at all. Only the collection of signatures has been quite difficult, 14 of us were that night at the house of Haxhi Bariu, who showed courage and came to sign the act of founding the University of Tetova “- said Prof. Dr. Myqereme Rusi.

Whereas the former Rector of the University of Tetova, at the same time the reviewer of the UT Monograph, Prof. Dr. Nexhbedin Beadini, who assessed that the period from the founding of the university has not been easy. The first period is from 1994 to 2004. This is the most historic, most glorious period of the University of Tetova, because it is the period of resistance, it is the period of sacrifice, it is the period of glory, which survived during those 10 years, to end with a capital work, with a historical stoicism of the University of Tetova and for this the students of the University of Tetova deserve credit, the professors of the University of Tetova have merits, in particular, the professors of the University of Prishtina, who with persistence of them and without hesitation came to our aid to conclude this capital work. I would also like to thank the professors of the University of Tirana, who also stood by us, to successfully conclude this important and historic work during that period of the first decade. The second period is during the officialization and after the officialization, because as the foundation and the officialization of the University of Tetova is a capital work, for this reason I especially greet the chairman of DUI, Mr. Ali Ahmeti, who together with us had the courage to sign a historic Memorandum for the officialization of the University of Tetova, which was a guide and a document that would follow the act of officialization, “said Prof. Dr. Nexhbedin Beadini.

This promotion was attended by many personalities of academic, intellectual, political, and social life. The University of Tetova distributed copies of the monograph to all participants in this promotion.