Rector of UT Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti hosted in a meeting the athlete Berat Mustafa together with his trainer Prof. Dr. Bexhet Toçi, who will represent Macedonia in Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games in Argentina.
In the meeting, Rector of UT, congratulated them on the work they have done so far, hoping that even in the 400-meter running competitions, which will take place within the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina to achieve more positive results. “It was a great pleasure to host in a meeting Berat Mustafa, the athlete who will represent Macedonia in the Olympic Games together with his coach Prof. dr. Dr. Bexhet Toçi, I congratulated them for this great achievement, the participation of Berat in these competitions not only honors the athletics club, but it honors our University in particular since we have managed to prepare proper cadres. We will always support all of our athletes and students in general”- said the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.
The coach of UT’s Athletics Club “Studenti” Prof. Dr. Bexhet Toçi, thanked the Rector, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, for the support he has offered to the club. “The club is mainly composed of students from the University of Tetova and of high school students of Tetovo. The club is supported and funded by the University and thanks to the support given by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, today we have achieved to participate in the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Argentina. We hope that the athlete Berat Mustafa will achieve excellent success”- said Prof. Dr. Bexhet Toçi.
The athlete Berat Mustafa thanked all those who have supported him during the preparation period. Everything is achieved with great effort and thanks to our commitment we managed to achieve successes. I want to thank my coach for his dedication and the Rector, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, who has always supported us”- said Berat Mustafa.
The Youth Olympic Games will begin on October 3rd and will end on October 19th.