At the UT the Joint Stock Company today awarded scholarships to five students of the University of Tetova. The students, Eliza Shabani, Alketa Abduli, Edon Fejzullahi, Arti Ademi and Harbin Useini, received the scholarships from the General Director of JSC – ESM, Vasko Kova čevski, Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti and Deputy General Director of JSC – ESM, Prof. Dr. Imer Zenku.

Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti thanked the leaders of JSC ESM for the scholarships that were officially awarded to our students today, adding that this cooperation between the two institutions will be inspiring for the new generations, to be profiled in the exact sciences. “I want to thank the Genral Director, Vasko Kovačevski, Deputy General Director, Prof. Dr. Imer Zenku and their team for the opportunity for our students to be the beneficiaries of these scholarships. This is not only a contribution for you as students, but it is also for our institution, because it is about encouraging and stimulating other generations in the future to be determined in these study programs. I congratulate you on the results and achieved successes. We, as an institution, will undoubtedly continue to support you in your journey in the future. Exactly these forms of cooperation are the main motive for other students to engage as much as possible in studies and be beneficiaries, why not of these scholarships, but also and of other scholarships that are awarded to outstanding students”- said the Rector, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

The Director of the Joint Stock Association “Power Plants of North Macedonia” (JSC ESM) Vasko Kovačevski thanked the Rector Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti for the hospitality and correct cooperation that our two institutions have created between themselves. He also congratulated the students, who during the 10 months will benefit from the scholarship of 8000 denars per month, encouraging them to dedicate themselves as much as possible to their studies, that in the future with their results, they will become an example for all young people in our country. “Our responsibility and commitment is to help where we have the opportunity. It is a special pleasure when we see that we help young students, who learn study, are engage and dedicated in their work. They are our future and we want to increase the number of students to whom we award scholarships, as we ourselves are witnesses of the circumstances in which we live”, the General Director of JSC – ESM, Vasko Kovačevski.

The students expressed their gratitude to the University of Tetova and to JSC – ESM for the support they give them, adding that these scholarships will be a great help for basic needs during their studies.