Chelsea Schunnour, the first legal advisor at the United States Embassy in Skopje and a prosecutor in the state of Pennsylvania, today delivered a lecture on “The Parties in Criminal Proceedings – Contemporary View” to the Faculty of Law students.
In her lecture before the students, she spoke about the features of the contemporary criminal prosecution procedure. She highlighted the differences between the Anglo-Saxon and the Euro-continental proceedings. The main focus was on the direct questions, cross-examination, the Criminal Procedure Code of Macedonia, the publicity of criminal proceedings, the role of the free media in reporting on court cases.
According to her, the most important features for effective representation of parties in the court process are awareness, and the ability to be competitive, charismatic and self-controlled. She was also surprised with the seriousness and attention of the students, as well as with their questions.
In her job, she deals with federal criminal cases in the state of Pennsylvania, and has the duty to oversee the investigation of criminal cases. Otherwise, Chelsea Schinnour works for the United States Department of Justice as US Assistant Attorney, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Disclosure Office, Internal Revenue Service, and many law enforcement agencies.
In her lecture before the students, she spoke about the features of the contemporary criminal prosecution procedure. She highlighted the differences between the Anglo-Saxon and the Euro-continental proceedings. The main focus was on the direct questions, cross-examination, the Criminal Procedure Code of Macedonia, the publicity of criminal proceedings, the role of the free media in reporting on court cases.
According to her, the most important features for effective representation of parties in the court process are awareness, and the ability to be competitive, charismatic and self-controlled. She was also surprised with the seriousness and attention of the students, as well as with their questions.
In her job, she deals with federal criminal cases in the state of Pennsylvania, and has the duty to oversee the investigation of criminal cases. Otherwise, Chelsea Schinnour works for the United States Department of Justice as US Assistant Attorney, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Disclosure Office, Internal Revenue Service, and many law enforcement agencies.